
Public–partner potential and public–partner attraction of territorial entities

Diagnosing public-partner potential and public-partner attraction of territorial entity is necessary to position and present the advantages of territorial entity to potential private partners. Not only this problem is specific to such entities, for example within a region, but it also has an interregional nature (i.e. when there is a competition between regions about investments based on public-private partnership).

Methodical approaches to the formation of the competitive advantages of the enterprise based on benchmarking

In the article the relevance of the formation and achievement of competitive advantages of a separate enterprise at the present stage is substantiated. The purpose of the research is to develop a mechanism for applying benchmarking techniques to form the competitive advantages of the enterprise.

Computer-Aided System for Monitoring and Planning of Actions to Increase Machine-Building Enterprises Energy Efficiency

The article describes mathematical model of analyses the energy use costs efficiency (depending on the type and volume of products produced by the machine-building enterprise, the consumption of certain types of energy resources and their use in specific production processes, etc.). Methodology and mathematical model of the plan for modernization of industrial production energy-consuming processes has been developed.

The essential characteristics of non-current assets of the company

The modern environment of functioning of domestic enterprises is characterized. The listed main factors that occur in the dynamic and changing external environment of the operation of the enterprise in the present. The main parameters for success, as well as stability in financial, investment and production-economic activity are outlined. It is proved that the non-current assets of modern companies play a key role in the stabilization processes.

Typology of customs servicing of enterprises

At the current stage of European integration in Ukraine, foreign economic activity is one of the most perspective activities for domestic enterprises. An important factor determining the success of foreign economic activity is the high-quality and prompt customs servicing of enterprises. In order to form a diversified systematized and complete vision of the process of customs servicing of business entities, its complex typology has been developed.

Formation of Corporate Strategy by the Enterprise Engaged in Foreign Economic Activity

The article proves the importance of corporate strategy formation and the significance of considering the current state of the economy by the enterprise engaged in foreign economic activity. The nature of the corporate strategy, as well as stages and principles of its creation are analyzed. Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign scientific developments, the definition of the concept “corporate strategy” is provided. The process of the corporate strategy formation is also considered.

Diagnostics of Investment Attractiveness of Business Entities in Conditions of European Integration

The article substantiates the relevance of unification, harmonization and development of the theoretical and applied base of diagnostics of investment attractiveness of enterprises in the conditions of European integration of Ukraine. The theoretical and legislative principles of diagnostics of investment attractiveness of enterprises are critically analyzed. Based on the study of domestic and foreign diagnostic practices, as well as the challenges of European integration, it is proposed to apply a comprehensive approach to assessing the investment attractiveness of enterprises.


Forming of network organizationally-productive structure which embraces the row of
subdivisions of interrelated enterprises and general process of production from supply of
components to the final products is considered in the article. For the territorial forming of
organizationally-productive structures a characteristic transition is to network organization of
business processes, which brightly shows up in activity multinational corporations. Expansion
of organizational and atomistic organizations accompanied by minimization of mutual

Preconditions for Introducing Integrated Reporting in Ukraine

 Transformations taking place nowadays in the global economy require new approaches to scientific research related to providing the users with the information on activities of economic entities. Traditional approaches to presenting information, which are regulated by legislation, do not satisfy the users any more.

Ukrainian enterprises internationalization: regulatory support and institutional regulation

In a globalized economy and increasing linkages between national economies around the world, understanding of internationalization is the key to effective doing business in foreign markets. Theoretical researches of internationalization by Ukrainian scientists are at an early stage. Today remain the unexplored question of regulatory framework and institutional regulation of enterprises internationalization. The economic studies are not detected systematization of legislation Ukrainian enterprises nternationalization. In foreign sources of these issues are not covered at all.