information technologies

Analysis of Educational Platforms for Individuals With Special Needs

The education process plays a significant role in increasing the socialization of individuals with specific needs. The information technologies to used support the education of such individuals should take into account their unique psycho-physical development characteristics. Creating an optimal communicative environment and developing the social skills necessary for the full involvement of students with special needs in the education process is an important component.

Legal Mechanisms for Ensuring Information Security in Ukraine

The article considers the legal mechanisms for ensuring information security. It has been proven that today, more than ever, when there is a war in Ukraine, the issue of ensuring information security becomes especially relevant and significant, as the information space becomes a «battlefield» on a par with the war front. Enemy forces actively use informational and psychological operations to destabilize the situation inside our country, create panic, spread fakes and undermine trust in state institutions.

Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Construction Industry

Technological advances in the field of electronics, such as miniature electromechanical devices and small powerful electric motors, have made it possible to develop small and light devices, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Recently, civilian UAVs are rapidly gaining popularity. Undoubtedly, UAVs will be used for many services in the future. There is already a growing demand for such fields of application of unmanned aerial vehicles as agriculture, emergency services, energy, fuel, mining, construction, geodesy (cartography), transportation, etc.

The influence of the principles of civil process on the legal regulation of electronic document flow

Abstract. The article examines the influence of the principles of civil procedure on the legal regulation of electronic document flow based on a comprehensive systematic analysis of the current Ukrainian legislation and normative acts of the European Union. The object of the study is the legal relationship regarding the electronic document flow that arises between the court and other participants in the process, which are related to the implementation of the system of principles of civil justice.

Перспективи розвитку інформаційних технологій на основі багатовимірного перетворення форми сигналів

Запропоновано метод проектування удосконалених технічних пристроїв та систем, що ґрунтується на використанні багатовимірного векторного перетворення форми інформації і випливає з предвічної гармонії світобудови. Метод доцільно застосовувати в царині новітніх обчислювальних систем та інформаційно-вимірювальної техніки, системах цифрового опрацювання сигналів, моделювання складних об’єктів і процесів з використанням досягнень сучасних інформаційних технологій та чудових властивостей просторової геометрії Всесвіту.

Математичне та програмно-алгоритмічне моделювання системи дистанційного навчання осіб з особливими потребами

Розглянуто питання специфіки навчання осіб з особливими потребами. В цьому випадку традиційні навчальні технології замінюються на дистанційні, що зумовлює використання сучасних інтерактивних інформаційних технологій навчання. Вибір оптимального навчального маршруту для осіб з особливими потребами залежить від їх індивідуальних особливостей й вимагає для кожного конкретного випадку розроблення своїх програмних інструментів.

Project Portfolio Management in a Multi-project Environment

Creating a portfolio of projects is an important scientific and practical task that applies to all areas of human activity, and the field of information technology is no exception. Research has shown that there are multiple approaches to solving this task, each characterized by certain features. Known methods of resource allocation have been analyzed, classified, and shown to be primarily related to linear programming problems, resource distribution matrices, or based on empirical knowledge.

Current trends of digitalization of public administration

The article is devoted to the study of modern trends in digitalization of public administration. In general, the tendency to transfer the sphere of public administration to a digital format is positively evaluated, because for citizens, digitalization simplifies communication with the authorities and eliminates corruption risks, and for the state, this process means optimization and transparency in activities.

Algebras of algorithms for modeling the distribution of resources in IT projects

The distribution of resources is an important scientific and practical task, as it concerns all areas of human activity, the field of information technologies is no exception. A study was conducted, which showed that today there are many approaches to solving the given problem, each of which is characterized by certain features. Known methods of resource allocation are analyzed, their classification is given and it is shown that they are mainly defined as linear programming problems, resource allocation matrices or are implemented on the basis of empirical knowledge.