information technologies

Digital human rights in the age of globalization

The article examines digital human rights in the era of globalization. It is noted that the emergence of the phenomenon - digital human rights is associated with the emergence of freedom of access to the Internet, as well as the definition of potential "right to be forgotten" (the right to demand deletion of personal data, confidential information about a person from search services).

Архітектура віртуального інноваційного простору для ІТ-студентів

This paper deals with the component and software architecture developed of Virtual Innovation Space as a specialized Web-community for IT-students. VIS development is motivated to be performed at high levels with the content management system Drupal. VIS software platform consists of typical set Apache, PHP, MySQL.

Information Technology for Students with Autism

One of the most effective ways of socializing a person with special needs is education. Information technology, that are used for education of children with autism should be designed with taking into account the peculiarities of psychophysical development of such students. Providing a comfortable communication environment, developing social skills is an integral part of teaching students with autism. The study of the developed information technologies enables to identify the most promising directions for the development of such technologies.

Methodology of the synergetic approach in the investigation of informational technologies in public management

The article deals with scientific approaches to the methodology of the synergetic approach in the research of information technologies in public administration from the position of the national theory of law. On the basis of research in the field of administrative and information law, different approaches to the study of regulatory and regulatory regulation of the use of information technology in the context of adaptation of national legislation to the requirements of the European Union are considered.

Концептуальні засади формування дистанційного навчально-консультаційного центру для осіб з особливими потребами

Questions about the specific of studies of listeners with the special necessities are examined in the article. In this case traditional educational technologies are substituted by distance. It predetermines the use of modern interactive information technologies of studies. The choice of optimal educational route for listeners with the special necessities depends on their individual features. He requires development of the programmatic instruments for every concrete case.

Огляд сучасного стану інформаційного забезпечення функціонування туристичної галузі

This paper is devoted to the overview of current state information support of the functioning for the tourism industry. A structuring of information technologies carried out, identified unresolved problems and proposed solutions.

Системні аспекти інвестування в галузі інформаційних технологій

This article examines an issue of system aspects and investment features in IT sphere, state of IT market and its progress trend. An analysis of the types and investment features in IT, investment evaluation methods was implemented. Objectives tree was developed. A general algorithm structure for evaluating investment in IT branch was proposed.

Інноваційні комп’ютерні технології у Хмельницькому національному університеті

Розглянуто стан і проблеми комп’ютеризації освітньо-виховної та управлінської діяльності вищих навчальних закладів. Запропонована модульна інформаційна система університету на базі відкритого програмного забезпечення, що вільно розповсюджується. Досвід розроблення і практичного використання інформаційної системи “Електронний університет” дає змогу зробити висновок, що інноваційне управління навчальним процесом сприяє оптимізації навчального процесу і забезпечує якісну підготовку фахівців.

Mathematical models of investment in field of information technology

This article examines a question of basic factors that affect the efficiency of IT investments. Structural components and the effect on investment were investigated. A multi objective model of investment allocation in IT for the period and election of the initial date of investment was proposed. The methods for making decision and elaborated recommendations for using these methods were analysed.