

In the food and beverage industry, maintaining optimal temperature conditions is crucial for ensuring product quality and safety. The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) has enabled real-time temperature monitoring through sensor networks, providing a wealth of data that can be harnessed for predictive analytics. This study presents a robust method for analyzing and forecasting IoT temperature data, specifically tailored to the operational dynamics of the food and beverage sector.

The Impact of Business Analytics on Corporate Management: Opportunities and Challenges

This article explores the advantages and challenges of implementing business analytics in corporate management. The study examines the current state and future prospects of the business analytics market, analyzing various types of analytics: descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive. The research highlights the key benefits of using analytical tools in business, such as improved forecasting accuracy, effective risk management, and business process optimization.

Архітектура та особливості інформаційних ресурсів відкритих систем

Розглянуто питання класифікації та аналізу складу, змісту і способів побудови інформаційних ресурсів відкритих систем. Запропоновано загальну типову структуру та базові архітектурні принципи організації даних у відкритих інформаційних системах.

This article examine issue of classification and analysis of content, matter and methods of open systems information resources construction. Generalized typical structure and basic architectural principles of data organization in open information systems were proposed.

Особливості опрацювання даних для ієрархічної кластеризації складних схем

Пропонується гнучкий і універсальний підхід для опису електричних схем та дерева згортання, за яким можна оптимізувати виконання ключових етапів ієрархічної кластеризації.

A flexible and universal approach for presentation of electric circuits and reduction tree, which can optimizes the performance of key stages of hierarchical clustering is proposed.

Dissemination of knowledge potential in the e-learning process

The key terms in the process of knowledge management and knowledge potential are analyzed. Groups of internal and external factors affecting knowledge potential are indicated. The factors of influence on the choice of electronic educational resources are highlighted. The interaction of participants in the educational process is depicted shematically, particularly in communities of the electronic educational environment. The list of probabilistic selection rules for choosing a source of knowledge and learning is given.

Smart Information Board Based on PSOC 6 MCU

Nowadays, the development of electronics and related technologies is very fast. An extremely significant role in the life of moder society is took by information output devices, the development and modernization of which is an urgent task. Using the idea regarding wireless control of remote devices, an information board with remote control was developed. This article provides a reader with the development of universal information board which customers will be able to assemble for the dimensions that they need.


Electricity metering data management understands the consistent conversion of measurement results into commercial metering data, in particular, aggregated, verified and validated in accordance with the established procedure for the purpose of providing information support for electricity payment and demand side management tasks.

The methods of context processing in intelligent systems

Context-based methods represent an important part of toolkit used to build intelligent systems. In the article existent definitions of context for a system with a single decision making agent were discussed. Available formal models for context data representation and processing were compared. The approaches for different forms of reasoning within context were analyzed. Also the application of context awareness in systems with situation awareness is discussed. In the article unresolved problems and tasks in the domain of context aware computing are delineated.

Aspects manifestation of uncertainty in the process of developing decision support systems

This article describes the classification and approaches to the construction of DSS that take into account various aspects of the uncertainty of the development of DSS. Features of the classification were proposed and described. Generalized classification of DSS was improved. The analysis of the types of architecture, architecture reviewed information resource decision support systems, based on the principles of building a data warehouse.

Метод оцінювання якості онтологій баз знань інтелектуальних систем на основі ISO/IEC 25012

The importance of ontology within concepts of the knowledge base and intelligent systems is considered in the article. Standard ISO/IEC 25012 has been offered for evaluation of ontologies qualities of knowledge bases of intelligent decision support systems.