artificial intelligence

Design of the system of automated generation of poetry works

 Features of designing a system of automated generation of poetic works, which opens up new opportunities for artistic speech and show business, especially the preparation of poems and songs have been considered. Quite often lyrics without special content become successful due to the lack of complex plots, as well as due to the unobtrusiveness and ease of perception by listeners. Well-known literature sources and available software products that can generate poetic works by combining different methods and algorithms are analyzed.

Управління мережами мобільного зв’язку 5G за допомогою використання технологій штучного інтелекту

The article is devoted to the problem of excessive traffic of base station cells. In order to reduce the
impact of this problem on the quality of services of mobile network operators, it is proposed to use
artificial intelligence (AI) technology to analyze and predict the load on the network. AI is great for
wireless environments, as it has a lot of data available for analysis and obtaining certain patterns.
The article proposes a model of machine learning and neural network architecture for forecasting
the load on 5G cells.

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Human Jobs (Review of the Monograph George Gilder “Gaming AI”. Seattle: Discovery Institute Press, 2020).

A review of the book “Gaming AI” by the famous American author, economist and co-founder of the Discovery Institute, George Gilder, in which he argues that Artificial Intelligence (AI) cannot think like a man, but can change conditions of a human jobs. Therefore, he expects that in the future AI will be controlled by a man in those types of jobs that are routine and mechanical, as well as help him/her in creativeness.


A melanoma is the deadliest skin cancer, so early diagnosis can provide a positive prognosis for treatment. Modern methods for early detecting melanoma on the image of the tumor are considered, and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. The article demonstrates a prototype of a mobile application for the detection of melanoma on the image of a mole based on a convolutional neural network, which is developed for the Android operating system.

Evolution of Artificial Intelligence on the Background of the Progress in Computer Sciences and Engineering (Review of the Monograph: Mainzer, K. (2020). Artificial Intelligence – When Do Machines Take Over? Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer)

The review examines the content and main problems of the English-language monograph of the German scientist and philosopher, President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, founder of the Munich Center for Social Technologies (MCTS), Honorary Professor of the Technical University of Munich, Professor of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the Univercity of Tübingen Klaus Mainzer.


The development of social networks, personalized assistants, chatbots, and computational algorithms makes the media think about new prospects. Users have long departed from the format of receiving information through one channel. Today, audiences consume content through a variety of channels, from paper noses to receiving data through eyepiece lenses. Under these conditions, journalism must experiment, because no one can predict the trajectory of further transformations of the media system.

Establishment of a Facing Recognition System for Video Observation

In the article were researched the principles of building systems for observation and recognition of objects. Also we have given the classification of human faces recognition methods. Authors have analized the features of operetion for the progressive calibration network (PCN) for human face recognition. And finally has been created and tested the developed face recognition algorithm as the realized software system.

Comparative analysis of the specialized software and hardware for deep learning algorithms

The automated translation, speech recognition and synthesis, object detection as well as emotion recognition are well known complex tasks that modern smartphone can solve. It became possible with intensive usage of algorithms of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Most popular now are implementations of deep neural networks and deep learning algorithms. Such algorithms are widely used in all verticals and need hardware accelerators as well as deep cooperation between both software and hardware parts.

The vision of technology's effect upon human being in the context of the development of artificial inteligence (Review of Max Tegmark’s Book “Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”[Ukrainian language edition], 432 p. Kyiv, 2019)

The book “Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” was considered in the review. This book was the first translated into Ukrainian language and originally written by American mathematic, physicist – Max Tegmark (Professor, MIT).  The author explains the wide problem field related to the appearance of Artificial Intelligence (AI). He describes transformations which threaten human himself and the whole world as a result of creating AI. Humankind can lose its special status of an intelligent creature.