The analysis of legislatively fixed terminology of the civil protection sphere (based on “The Code of civil protection of Ukraine”)

: pp. 64 - 67

Kucherenko E. The analysis of legislatively fixed terminology of the civil protection sphere (based on “The Code of civil protection of Ukraine”) // Website of TC STTS: Herald of L'viv Polynechnic National University "Problems of Ukrainian Terminology". – 2015. – # 817.

National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Kharkiv

In article terminological units of modern terminological system of sphere of the civil protection, presented in «Code of civil protection of Ukraine» are analysed. Considered the basis for experts of civil protection he document of Ukraine has many discrepancies to norms of the Ukrainian literary language.

The terminological units of the modern terminological system of the civil protection sphere, presented in “The Code of civil protection of Ukraine” are analyzed in the article. The basic document of Ukraine for experts of the civil   protection is considered. It has many discrepancies to norms of the Ukrainian literary language.

Now experts of this sphere of human activity use “The Code of civil protection of Ukraine” as the unique systematized legislative act concerning civil protection. Though some legislatively fixed terms in it are delivered with infringement of the modern Ukrainian literary language norms.

As the basic point of view for the analysis of the civil protection sphere terminology in this document we consider understanding of the separate term, on the one hand, as an element of concrete professional terminological system, and on the other hand, as an element of the Ukrainian language modern terminology.

The norm in professional terminology, that is professional norm, is caused by functional features of its development, is based on system of terminological concepts and corresponding definitions and is correlated with language structures norms: spelling, stylistic, grammatical, and lexical.

Element of terminological system is considered as the result of interaction between three system categories: notional (content) norm, norm of definition and language norm.

Standardization – is a way of normalization of terminology.

The terminological system of the civil protection sphere as it is confirmed in this document, demands standardization in Ukrainian and   international standard documents.

First of all ordering of the civil protection sphere terms should be conducted on semantics level.

In the proceedings of this edition an unjustified synonymy of the terminological units is observed.

In available terms – synonyms in “the Code of civil protection of Ukraine” we observe incompleteness of formation of the Ukrainian terminological system of the civil protection sphere. We consider that by legislative Ukrainian documents establishment it is necessary to pay attention to the communication system of national terminological systems of other countries. The international standards offer the primary terms among the other synonymous. And other terms- synonyms are defined as resolved or not resolved.

Composers of “the Code of civil protection of Ukraine” give undesirable forms of active participles; give terms participles; terms – adjectives which are used as nouns, break terminological norm of a word combination safety during carrying out an abnormal condition – salvage operations instead of safety warranting during carrying and under abnormal condition – salvage operations, do not pay attention to word – formation ability of the term.

The negative moments of the new standard document (as well as in the abovementioned previous state legislative documents) remain errors in verbs’ management.

We consider necessary to bring for discussion the experts of the civil protection sphere issues on, whether the important terms offered in the systematized legislative document correspond to the linguistic requirements, and whether they accurately, fully and clearly define the subject sphere of science and practice.

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