Nowadays, there is a difference between European and domestic approaches to the functioning and organization of road networks, urban mobility, and effective use of the space of urbanized territories. The main factors were historical development, scientific-technical progress, an administrative component in the formation of financial flows to developing urban systems, terrain, the process of territories` urbanization, and the formation of urban agglomerations. These factors had a direct impact on the shape of the modern state of the road network. The process of Intelligent transport systems integration into the system of domestic cities requires complex approaches, in particular, consideration of the parametric structure of elements, application of communicators not only for the control of traffic flows from the outside but also from the inside, which will allow speeding up the information change in the system. One of the elements of the combination of morphologic elements of the urban environment is the practical application of the criterion of street and road infrastructure interaction and the concept of traffic safety profile. This is a result of a combination of all morphological features and variants of their configuration. In current conditions, a new approach in research is necessary to determine criteria and factors of sustainable development of transport systems. This approach allows operatively considering the changes of the external environment, reacting adequately to the changing behaviour of competitors providing services and consumers, and effectively impacting the demand and supply of transport services. A concept of effectiveness is required to consider both the transport system in general and its separate elements. Implementation of progressive methods of system control of transport flows provides, in conditions of rapid motorization and increasing the urbanized territories areas, obtaining the most significant effect in short terms and allows maximal using the possibilities of urban transport networks.
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