The features of the functioning of the on-board information systems of a car are considered. Threats to their security are analyzed, and methods for ensuring information security and functional security of on-board information systems are proposed. The design of road networks in the organization of road traffic is one of the factors in ensuring the functional security of modern intelligent transport systems, that is, compliance with such information security attributes as data confidentiality, integrity, availability, authenticity and novelty of data. The security of on-board vehicle information systems is a critical issue in the modern world, as more and more vehicles are equipped with electronic systems that may be vulnerable to cyber attacks. One of the main challenges of protecting on-board information systems is the wide range of devices and technologies used in modern vehicles. Different systems may have different security requirements and vulnerabilities. They may interact with each other in a complex way. Another challenge is that many of these systems were not designed originally with security in mind. They may lack basic security features such as encryption and authentication and use outdated software and protocols that are vulnerable to known attacks. The main types of attacks and threats to the elements of the transportation system that interact with the VANET were identified to analyze the information security of vehicle in-vehicle systems. Based on the theory of fuzzy sets under conditions of uncertainty and using the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox in the integrated Matlab environment, the level of information security of the OBU-VANET system was modeled. The obtained results allowed us to formulate the degree of information security of vehicle operation elements against unauthorized access to data. The results of the study showed that technical communication systems have the highest security level (> 0.7), and vehicles become the most vulnerable in public places.
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