Professional Ethics and Ethics Principles

Only original and anonymously peer-reviewed articles (based on positive reviews) are published in the scientific journal Transport Technologies.

All articles are checked for plagiarism in the "Unicheck" system. Any kind of plagiarism is unacceptable.


Rules for the Editor-in-Chief, Executive Secretary, and members of the Editorial Board

  1. The Editor-in-Chief and the Executive Secretary are responsible for accepting the submitted articles, according to their scientific novelty, relevance, conceptual development and lack of copyright and plagiarism.
  2. The Editor-in-Chief, the Executive Secretary and any member of the Editorial Board does not have right to disseminate any information about the author (authors) of the article to other persons.
  3. The Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board recognize the freedom of research approaches, ideas, theories, and methodological diversity demonstrated by the authors of the submitted articles without any racial, political, ethnic, gender, etc., discrimination.
  4. The Editor-in-Chief, the Executive Secretary and any member of the Editorial Board cannot use rejected articles for their own purposes.
  5. The Editor-in-Chief, the Executive Secretary and the Editorial Board are obliged to evaluate the submitted manuscripts objectively and fairly and to prevent any actual or potential conflict of interests between the participants in this process.
  6. The Editor and reviewers must review the manuscripts, submitted for publication, as soon as possible.
  7. Manuscripts of articles submitted by the Editor of the journal, the Executive Secretary, or a member of the Editorial Board cannot be considered by them independently but must be delegated to any other qualified person.


Rules for authors

  1. All authors who submit manuscripts to the scientific journal "Transport Technologies" realize that they are responsible for the novelty and accuracy of the results and guarantee that all co-authors who worked on the article are truly co-authors.
  2. Authors are prohibited from submitting a previously published article (for example, a translation of an article that has already been published in another language).
  3. Simultaneous submission of manuscripts to more than one journal is not allowed.
  4. Authors must clearly present their research results and their objective discussion and processing in accordance with the requirements for scientific articles in the journal.
  5. Article manuscripts are necessary to be given to the editorial board in electronic form (on CD- or DVD-disc or to be sent on editorial board e-mail: Only the articles written in English are accepted to the print.
  6. The methods used in research should be clearly presented in the paper so that other researchers can analyze and reproduce the work in detail. Herewith, any dangerous manifestations and risks associated with the research are indicated.
  7. The manuscript should disclose information about any actual or potential conflicts of interest that may affect the results of the research or their interpretation. Authors must notify the editors of potential conflicts of interest.
  8. Borrowed fragments or statements from other sources must be made with the obligatory indication of the author and the original source. Borrowed data or images in the article require permission from the copyright owner.
  9. If, after the publication of their article, the authors find errors and inaccuracies, they must immediately notify the Editorial Board of the journal to take appropriate action.
  10. Scientific manuscripts prohibit the presence of plagiarism in any of its manifestations: copying and/or paraphrasing someone else's text, ideas, images, etc. Plagiarism is unethical and unacceptable. Detected plagiarism leads to rejection by the editors of such a manuscript.


Rules for reviewers

  1. The reviewer analyzes and evaluates the manuscript of the article in terms of its relevance, structure and compliance with the scientific direction of the journal.
  2. All articles should be treated as confidential material, and the reviewer is prohibited from communicating directly with the authors of the article about its material.
  3. The reviewer should not evaluate a manuscript with the author or co-authors of which he has personal and/or professional relations. This may lead to a conflict of interests or affect the objective assessment of the manuscript. In the case of a probable conflict of interests, the reviewer must notify the Editorial Board.
  4. The reviewer must be an expert in the field which the scientific journal and manuscript of the article belongs to. If the reviewer is unsure of his/her qualifications for a certain type of research, he/she is obliged to inform the Editorial Board.
  5. The reviewer is obliged to communicate exclusively with the Editor-in-Chief and/or the Executive Secretary of the journal regarding the material of the analyzed article.
  6. Experts reviewing manuscripts should be impartial with the paper materials. They must take into account the intellectual independence of the authors.
  7. The manuscript of the article to be reviewed is considered as a confidential document. The reviewer is prohibited from showing the manuscript or discussing it with others, except in special cases where the reviewer requires some special consultation. The reviewer informs the Editorial Board about such cases.
  8. Based on the analysis of the manuscript, the reviewer concludes that the article can be:
  • published;
  • published with a minor revision;
  • published with significant revision;
  • cannot be published in this journal.

The reviewer provides a comment that substantiates his decision. He may indicate a wish after which the article may be published.

  1. The reviewer must be objective and inform the Editor-in-Chief or the Executive Secretary of any found deficiencies in the article.
  2. The reviewer must provide a timely review in accordance with the prescribed form.