: 41-45
Received: September 30, 2019
Accepted: November 20, 2019

Цитування за ДСТУ: Дубук В. І., Коцун В. І., Чорний М. В. Удосконалення методу й засобів захисту системи управління для графічного людино-машинного інтерфейсу інформаційної системи. Український журнал інформаційних технологій. 2019,
т. 1, № 1. С. 41–45.

Citation APA: Dubuk, V. І., Kotsun, V. І., & Chornyj, М. V. (2019). Improved method and security control tools for graphical human-machine interface of information system. Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology, 1(1), 41–45.

Lviv Polytechnic National University
European University, Lviv Branch
European University, Lviv Branch

The ac­tua­lity, analysis and prac­ti­cal re­ali­sa­ti­on of impro­ved met­hod and techno­lo­gi­cal se­cu­red control to­ols of hu­man-mac­hi­ne in­ter­fa­ce of in­for­ma­ti­on system are con­si­de­red and pre­sen­ted. The fe­atu­res of softwa­re control to­ols of in­for­ma­ti­on system bu­ilt on the ba­sis of grap­hi­cal ele­ments are de­fi­ned. The cor­res­pon­dent analysis of met­hods of prac­ti­cal re­ali­za­ti­on of control to­ols of hu­man-mac­hi­ne in­ter­fa­ce of in­for­ma­ti­on system is fullfil­led. The pre­fe­ren­ce of met­hods of au­to­ma­ted in­tel­li­gent co­ding with uti­li­sa­ti­on of spe­ci­al softwa­re with res­pect to ot­her met­hods of de­sign of hu­man-mac­hi­ne in­ter­fa­ce control is de­fi­ned. The fe­atu­res of Q-plat­form, which is ba­sed on the cre­ati­on and uli­li­za­ti­on of grap­hi­cal two-di­men­si­onal QR-co­des for prac­ti­cal re­ali­za­ti­on of control to­ols of hu­man-mac­hi­ne in­ter­fa­ce are descri­bed. The fe­atu­res of softwa­re Smart Tags pro­du­ced by BlackBerry Li­mi­ted for scan­ning, ge­ne­ra­ti­on and spre­ading of small da­ta in the forms of bar co­de, QR-co­de and in the de­co­ded form for fi­le na­mes, di­gi­tal se­ri­es are in­ves­ti­ga­ted and pre­sen­ted. The met­hod of prac­ti­cal re­ali­za­ti­on of control to­ol in hu­man-mac­hi­ne in­ter­fa­ce of in­for­ma­ti­on system is descri­bed. The dif­fe­rent prac­ti­cal appro­ac­hes for de­sign of control ele­ments in hu­man-mac­hi­ne grap­hi­cal users in­ter­fa­ce are con­si­de­red and analysed. The complex appro­ach for control to­ols de­ve­lop­ment ba­sed on the mer­ge of met­hods of vis­ual prog­ram ob­ject-ori­en­ted co­ding with usa­ge of bu­ilt-in instru­ments of spre­adshe­ets pro­ces­sors for de­ve­lo­ping of form in­ter­fa­ce and da­ta analysis is used. The re­sult of prac­ti­cal re­ali­za­ti­on of form as control to­ol in hu­man-mac­hi­ne in­ter­fa­ce is pre­sen­ted. The functi­ona­lity of de­ve­lo­ped control to­ol in hu­man-mac­hi­ne in­ter­fa­ce is tes­ted. The prac­ti­cal so­lu­ti­on of se­cu­red control to­ol of in­for­ma­ti­on system with ele­ment of se­cu­red ac­cess control to da­ta, which are sto­red re­mo­tedly is de­ve­lo­ped and pre­sen­ted. The op­por­tu­nity of cross-plat­form exchan­ge of de­sig­ned grap­hi­cal forms in the con­tent of hu­man-mac­hi­ne in­ter­fa­ce and softwa­re co­de at the me­di­um of spre­adshe­et pro­ces­sor MS Of­fi­ce Ex­cel un­der the control of dif­fe­rent ope­ra­ti­on systems from Mic­ro­soft Win­dows fa­mily is ela­bo­ra­ted. The control to­ol, which is bu­ilt on the ba­sis of ela­bo­ra­ted appro­ach pre­sen­ted in the form with QR-co­de, was cre­ated suc­cessfully and tes­ted at the con­tent of in­for­ma­ti­on system. The perspe­ci­ve di­rec­ti­ons of de­sign of se­cu­red di­alog­ue to­ols of in­for­ma­ti­on systems are con­si­de­red.

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