: 79-85
Received: January 17, 2020
Accepted: October 25, 2020

Цитування за ДСТУ: Кудін А. П., Кудіна Т. М., Міненко О. М., Бабич В. О. Розроблення та впровадження web-орієнтованих систем навчання іноземців. Український журнал інформаційних технологій. 2020, т. 2, № 1. С. 79–85.

Citation APA: Kudin, A. P., Kudina, T. M., Minenko, O. M., & Babich, V. O. (2020). Development and implementation web-oriented foreign education systems. Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology, 2(1), 79–85.

National pedagogical university named after M. P. Drahomanov
National pedagogical university named after M. P. Drahomanov
National pedagogical university named after M. P. Drahomanov
National pedagogical university named after M. P. Drahomanov

The work is devoted to the problem of creation and implementation of educational services in the process of teaching foreigners listeners of Ukrainian language. Two Web-based learning systems have been developed – an audiovisual training course in the Moodle shell and a KIAP system for constructing Ukrainian language tasks and automated testing of them. It is shown that the Moodle distance learning system was used mostly in the first semester of study. In the second semester, when you have studied professional Ukrainian language, the KIAP system is effective in application. The main difference in the development of these systems is that the first one used ready-made software (Camtasia Studio 9, LMS MOODLE), and the second – a software product of our own production based on Microsoft Visual Studio Community, ASP.NET technologies and C # programming languages.

The basis of the audiovisual course is the review of art branded Ukrainian films. Specially selected films were cut into dialogues. Each dialog was displayed with the text in which the words appear on the screen synchronously with the sound. New words that occur in each dialogue are contained in the audio dictionary created for each dialogue. After learning new words and becoming aware of the content of the dialogue, the listener moves on to the required element of the audio-visual course – testing for knowledge of the content of the revised dialogue. On successful completion of the test, it has access to watch the entire movie. KIAP system is created on the basis of client-server technology for two users: for the teacher with access to the task designer and the listener with access only to certain tasks within the terms set by the teacher. Upon completion, the system forms a response protocol: indicating the execution time, the proposed text, the text with corrections, the list of words – checks, the number of points. One of the tasks is to correct programmable grammatical errors in words or texts that you can listen to. It is established that the use of two developed educational systems increases the stay of a foreigner listeners in the Ukrainian-speaking environment, allowed him to form his linguistic competence at the B1 level, to carry out automated testing of the formed auditory skills. Developed Web-oriented training systems increase the motivation of foreign listeners to learn Ukrainian.

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