: 86-94
Received: January 17, 2020
Accepted: October 25, 2020

Цитування за ДСТУ: Фоменко А. В., Тарасов Д. О. Аналіз практичної реалізації механізмів доступу користувачів до ВНС університету. Український журнал інформаційних технологій. 2020, т. 2, № 1. С. 86–94.

Citation APA: Fomenko, A. V., & Tarasov, D. O. (2020). Overview of practical implementation of mechanisms of user access to university of the university. Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology, 2(1), 86–94. https://doi.org/10.23939/ujit2020.02.086

Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

One of the hallmarks of the learning process is its manageability, which provides for the possibility of planning and designing the educational process. The article deals with practical issues related to the administration of the University Virtual Learning Environment in terms of organization and differentiation of access rights of different categories of users. The authors discuss the principles of administering a virtual learning environment in terms of distinguishing levels of access to individual elements of the system for different roles of different categories of users. In LMS Moodle, the list of hierarchical contexts is as follows: System (no parent context); Website – homepage (parent context – system); Course category (parent context – system); Course (parental context – course category or system); Course element (parent context – course); Block (parent context – system or course); User (parent context – system).

In the Lviv Polytechnic University, only Super Administrator, Global Group Management, Methodist, and Library have global roles. Role assignments are performed to determine the role in context. The site (homepage) and course are examples of two different contexts. While the role assignment process is the same for different contexts, the path to the assignment page may be different. The article gives examples of how to organize a system of administration with a description of the processes of creating different types of roles and the logic of implementation of each role and the need for certain approaches. There are five types of roles in the article, namely: managerial, supervisory, training, informational, temporary, providing justification and practical advice on setting up each role for each type. The article describes a common responsibility matrix for each user role. The roles of management roles are different aspects of course administration at the level of course categories of different types of nesting. This type includes administrators.

The role of the controlling role is, by name, to investigate the various aspects of educational and training activities within the VNS system. The objectives of the learning roles are to ensure and carry out the learning process itself. These roles include, first of all, the system role by default – the student, the main participant in the process of acquiring knowledge, passing checkpoints and other components of the educational process. The tasks of information roles are to create information messages for both students and teachers at different levels of the information system. Temporary role tasks are to involve third parties in the system. Of course, the guest is first and foremost, but in our case guest entry is forbidden, so the roles of Conference Participant and Olympiad Participant were created to provide access to individual system resources. The article describes a common responsibility matrix for each user role.

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