: 78-84
Received: April 02, 2021
Accepted: June 01, 2021

Ци­ту­ван­ня за ДСТУ: Стря­мець С. П., Опо­тяк Ю. В. Мат­ричний па­ра­лель­ний про­це­сор НА ПІД­СТА­ВІ од­но­рід­но­го об­числю­валь­но­го се­ре­до­ви­ща з ви­ко­рис­танням вдос­ко­на­ле­ної об­числю­валь­ної ко­мір­ки. Ук­ра­їнсь­кий жур­нал ін­форма­ційних тех­но­ло­гій. 2021, т. 3, № 1. С. 78–84.

Ci­ta­ti­on APA: Stri­amets, S. P., & Opot­yak, Yu. V. (2021). Mat­rix pa­ral­lel pro­ces­sor ba­sed on a ho­mo­ge­ne­ous com­pu­ta­ti­onal me­di­um using an ad­vanced com­pu­ting cell. Uk­ra­ini­an Jo­ur­nal of In­forma­ti­on Techno­logy, 3(1), 78–84.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Automated Control Systemst

Descri­bed ele­ment ba­se of a ho­mo­ge­ne­ous com­pu­ta­ti­onal me­di­um, which can be ef­fecti­vely used in the cre­ati­on of sig­nal pro­ces­sing systems using pro­ces­sing al­go­rithms with de­ep pa­ral­le­li­za­ti­on, up to the bit le­vel. The analysis of ad­vanta­ges and di­sad­vanta­ges of the exis­ting ele­ment ba­se is car­ri­ed out and the new impro­ved struc­tu­re of a pro­ces­sor ele­ment of the ho­mo­ge­ne­ous com­pu­ta­ti­onal me­di­um is of­fe­red. The pos­si­bi­lity of mul­tiple use of each ele­ment of the en­te­red da­ta, which pro­vi­des high com­pu­ta­ti­onal per­forman­ce of a ho­mo­ge­ne­ous com­pu­ta­ti­onal me­di­um, is one of the sig­ni­fi­cant ad­vanta­ges of the systo­lic appro­ach. Ot­her be­ne­fits, such as mat­rix sca­la­bi­lity, simpli­city, and re­gu­la­rity of da­ta flows, are re­ali­zed thro­ugh the use of com­pu­ting cells with the simplest pos­sible archi­tec­tu­re. The archi­tec­tu­re of the ad­vanced pro­ces­sor ele­ment for construc­ti­on of the ho­mo­ge­ne­ous com­pu­ta­ti­onal me­di­um with the impro­ved cha­rac­te­ris­tics in which me­ans of control of com­pu­ting pro­cess in a com­pu­ting cell, the mec­ha­nism of dup­li­ca­ti­on of the chan­nel of in­put of ad­justing in­forma­ti­on and me­ans of the ac­ce­le­ra­ted chan­ge of the ope­ra­ti­on co­de is of­fe­red. A num­ber of construc­ti­ve pro­po­sals for impro­ving the exis­ting c pro­ces­sor ele­ments and cre­ating a new ele­ment ba­se of a ho­mo­ge­ne­ous com­pu­ta­ti­onal me­di­um are pro­po­sed. The mec­ha­nisms of tes­ting the mat­rix of a ho­mo­ge­ne­ous com­pu­ta­ti­onal me­di­um in or­der to de­tect da­ma­ged and non-functi­oning pro­ces­sor ele­ments in­si­de the mat­rix, the mec­ha­nism of ra­pid chan­ge of the ope­ra­ting co­de of in­di­vid­ual pro­ces­sor ele­ments in­si­de the mat­rix of a ho­mo­ge­ne­ous com­pu­ta­ti­onal me­di­um are descri­bed. The pos­si­bi­lity of per­forming control of the con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on co­de in the pro­cess of wri­ting to the mat­rix and control of the cor­rectness of ope­ra­ti­ons du­ring the ope­ra­ti­on of the mat­rix of a ho­mo­ge­ne­ous com­pu­ta­ti­onal me­di­um is descri­bed. The de­sig­ned pro­ces­sor ele­ment of a ho­mo­ge­ne­ous com­pu­ta­ti­onal me­di­um further compri­ses a di­ag­nostic unit, which gre­atly simpli­fi­es the pro­cess of tes­ting the mat­rix to de­tect ino­pe­rab­le com­pu­ting cells. The mec­ha­nism of incre­asing the pro­duc­ti­vity of the com­pu­ting fi­eld and ways to incre­ase the sur­vi­va­bi­lity of di­gi­tal sig­nal pro­ces­sing systems ba­sed on a ho­mo­ge­ne­ous com­pu­ta­ti­onal me­di­um with re­con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on of the sig­nal pro­ces­sing al­go­rithm ta­king in­to ac­co­unt da­ma­ged, bro­ken or fa­iled pro­ces­sor ele­ments are descri­bed. The mat­rix of a pa­ral­lel spe­ci­ali­zed pro­ces­sor, bu­ilt on the ba­sis of a ho­mo­ge­ne­ous com­pu­ta­ti­onal me­di­um, which con­sists of 720 pro­ces­sor ele­ments, is descri­bed. Its functi­onal units and prin­ciple of ope­ra­ti­on are descri­bed.

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