: 20–29
Received: August 19, 2024
Accepted: November 19, 2024
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Software Development Department
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Software Engineering Department

The use of machine learning models for electricity consumption prediction for smart grid has been investigated. It was found that data pre-processing can improve the performance of the energy consumption prediction model, while machine learning algorithms can improve model prediction accuracy through the integration of multiple algorithms and hyperparameter optimization. It was found that the ensemble learning method can provide better prediction accuracy than each individual method by combining the strong features of different methods that have different structural characteristics. Based on this idea, a choice of basic models with different structures was offered – linear, recursive, tree-like. We have used for research publicly available dataset containing time series of electric power demand and weather data. The influence of climatic characteristics on the predicted value (electric power demand) was studied, correlation and autocorrelation analysis were carried out. Individual basic models for electric power demand prediction were built and trained using Autoregression, Support Vector Regression, Random Forest, Long Short-Term Memory and Extreme Gradient Boosting. Then testing of forecasting errors (Root Mean Squared Error, Mean Absolute Error, Mean Absolute Percentage Error) between actual power consumption and predicted values ​​was carried out. Optimization of the hyperparameters of each weak learner of the integrated model was carried out using the grid search method. An ensemble model (strong learner) for forecasting electricity consumption based linear combination of several basic models' forecasts (weak learners) with weighting coefficients was presented. The weighting coefficients of individual models' forecasts have been established and then optimized using the root-mean-square error loss function with the sequential least-squares optimization algorithm. It was established that the proposed ensemble model for forecasting electricity consumption showed smaller error metrics compared to individual basic models.

Therefore, the results demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed ensemble model, it can be used to predict electricity consumption with greater accuracy and outperform the individual models with different structure, considering each base models' advantages.

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