At present, distributed control and management systems are becoming increasingly complex, with the number of Internet of Things devices and wireless sensors steadily growing. All of them require the development and improvement of simple and efficient devices for performing computational operations near sensors in real time.
This paper analyzes the use of number-pulse functional converters with variable bit width for computational operations near the sensitive elements of smart sensors in distributed real-time control systems. The key advantages of such devices are their simplicity, reliability, and energy efficiency. The introduction of feedback allows for a comprehensive improvement of the converters' characteristics. Basic structural elements with positive and negative feedback are known, and they exhibit certain differences among themselves.
Numerous studies and analyses of the obtained results for various functions (inverse proportional, logarithmic with different bases, square root, division devices, and others) offer new approaches to creating more advanced structures. This proposed work continues earlier research in the field of number-pulse information processing devices. However, unlike previous publications, it focuses on improving the mathematical principles underlying the computational process and the structural organization of such devices. The study covers aspects of the creation and investigation of combined feedback.
To address the identified problem, the method based on a new approach to combining measurement converter circuits with positive and negative feedback has been improved to enhance metrological characteristics. Additionally, a refined mathematical model with combined feedback has been developed, which has enabled a twofold improvement in calculation accuracy at the beginning of the conversion range.
The proposed methods and tools for performing arithmetic operations and elementary mathematical functions can serve as fundamental computational components for various cases of functional signal conversion in the form of number-pulse codes. These signals can be received from primary measurement sensors or special modeling devices with frequency or number-pulse outputs in real time.
The principle of variable bit width for building such devices enables easy scaling of the bit width of structural elements to extend the dynamic range of the input code within any specified limits.
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