A Blockchain-Enhanced Self-Sovereign Identity Platform for Corporate Resource Security

: cc. 111 - 117
Gebze Technical University
Atlas University
Turcom Technology
Turcom Technology, Istanbul, Turkey

In an era dominated by concerns of data breaches, and identity theft, security of corporate resources and assets has become paramount. Centralized identity management systems traditionally present vulnerabilities that can fundamentally threaten corporate security. This paper introduces a novel platform to identity management in organizations, leveraging the principles of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and the technological robustness of block- chain. By giving individuals unwavering control over their digital identities and reducing dependence on centralized intermediaries, SSI provides a transformative advancement in security and privacy. When combined with blockchain's immutable, decentralized, and transparent nature, this model ensures a verifiable, tamper-proof, and holistic iden- tity management system. Beyond individual identity man- agement, this paradigm provides corporations with a ro- bust mechanism to protect their assets, both  digital and physical. We explore the architectural design and benefits of implementing the proposed system, BlockSSI-CRS, emphasizing its transformative potential for corporate resource protection. Through rigorous analysis, this paper highlights the feasibility of a blockchain-enhanced SSI platform in the context of corporate security needs.

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