Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”

Структуровані полімерні плівки на основі полівінілового спирту та поліакриламіду отримані за допомогою радикального структурування, ініційованого пероксидовмісними реакційноздатними кополімерами. Досліджено вплив температури, природи і концентрації зшивальних агентів на величину гель-фракції та властивості отриманих плівок. Отримані структуровані нанокомпозитні плівки характеризуються покращеними фізико-механічними властивостями, що залежать від вмісту пероксидвмісного кополімеру та присутності додаткового зшиваючого агента.

1. Stridsberg K. M., Ryner M. Albertsson A. C. (2002) Controlled ring-opening polymerization: Polymers with designed macromolecular architecture // Advanced Polymer Science, 157, 41-65.
2. Kricheldorf H. R. (2004). Biodegradable polymers with variable architectures via ring-expansion polymerization. Journal of Polymer Science, Part A, 42, 4723-4742.
3. Wee Y. J., Kim J. N., Ryu H. W. (2006) Biotechnological production of lactic acid and its recent applications // Food Technology and Biotechnology, 44, 163-172.
4. Kim M. J., Koh Y. H. (2013) Synthesis of aligned porous poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL)/hydroxyapatite (HA) composite microspheres. Material Science and Engineering: C, 33(4), 2266-2272.
5. Jin С., Liang B., Li J., Li F. (2013) Biodegradation behaviors of poly(p-dioxanone) in different environment media // Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 21, 1088-1099.
6. Siracusa V., Lotti N., Munari A., Dalla Rosa, M. (2015) Poly(butylene succinate) and poly(butylene succinate-co-adipate) for food packaging applications: Gas barrier properties after stressed treatments. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 119, 35-45.
7. Zhang N., Pompe T., Amin I., Luxenhofer R., Werner C., Jordan R. (2012) Tailored poly(2-oxazoline) polymer brushes to control protein adsorption and cell adhesion. Macromolecular bioscience, 12(7), 926-936.
8. Singh G., Kumari A., Mittal A., Yadav A. (2013) Poly β-hydroxybutyrate production by Bacillus subtilis NG220 using sugar industry waste water. BioMed research international, 2013. Article ID 952641. 10 p.
9. Shen X., Shamshina J. L., Berton P., Gurau G., Rogers R. D.  (2016)  Hydrogels based on cellulose and chitin: fabrication, properties, and applications. Green Chemistry, 18. P. 53-75.
10. Gupta P., Nayak K. K. (2015) Characteristics of protein-based biopolymer and its application. Polymer Engineering Science, 55, 485-498.
11. George K. A., Chirila T. V., Wentrup-Byrne E. (2012) Effects of crosslink density on hydrolytic degradation of poly(L-lactide)-based networks. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 97(6), 964-971. doi: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2012.03.017
12. Mitra T., Sailakshmi G., Gnanamani, A., Mandal A. B. (2013) Studies on cross-linking of succinic acid with chitosan/collagen. Materials Research, 16(4), 755-765. doi: 10.1590/S1516-14392013005000059.
13. Kuckling D., Doering A., Krahl F., Arndt K.-F. (2012) Stimuli-Responsive Polymer Systems. In: K. Matyjaszewski, M. Möller (Eds) Polymer Science: A Comprehensive Reference (pp. 377-413). Elsevier B.V.: Amsterdam
14. Thakur G., Rodrigues F. C., Singh K. (2018) Crosslinking biopolymers for advanced drug delivery and tissue engineering applications. In: Chun H. J., Park C. H., Kwon I. K., Khang G. (Eds) Cutting-Edge Enabling Technologies for Regenerative Medicine (pp. 213-231). Springer: Singapour.
15. Jiang Q. Reddy N., Zhang S. (2013) Water stable electrospun collagen fibers from a non-toxic solvent and crosslinking system // J. Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 101A, 1237-1247.
16. Bajpai S. K., Saxena S. K., Sharma S. (2006) Swelling behavior of barium ions crosslinked bipolymeric sodium alginate-carboxymethyl guargum blend beads. Reactive Functional Polymers, 66, 659-666.
17. Borova S., Tokarev V., Stahlhut P., Luxenhofer R. (2020) Crosslinking of hydrophilic polymers using polyperoxides. Colloid and Polymer Science, 298, 1699-1713.
18. Shevchuk O. M., Bukartyk N. M., Chobit M. R., Nadashkevych Z. Ya., Tokarev V. S. (2018) The peculiarities of formation of cross-linked poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) films and nanocomposites on their base. Chemistry, Technology and Application of Substances, 3(2), 180-186.
19. Tokarev V., Shevchuk О., Ilchuk H., Tokarev S., Kusnezh V., Korbutyak D., Kalytchuk S., Bukartyk N. (2015) Thin polymer films with embedded CdS nanocrystals // Colloid and Polymer Science, 293, (1159-1169).
20. Serdiuk V. O., Shevchuk O. M., Pereviznyk O. B., Bukartyk N. M., Tokarev V. S. (2018) Reactive peroxide macroinitiator for cross-linking biocompatible polymers. Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 886, 226-235.
21. Vasilyev V. P., Glus L. S., Gubar S. P. (1985) Elaboration of gas-chromatography method of peroxide monomer analysis. Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic Institute, 191, 24-26.
22. Toropceva A. M., Belogorodskaya K. V., Bondarenko V. M. (1972)  Laboratory Training on Chemistry and Technology of High Molecular Substances. Leningrad, USSR: Khimiya.
23. Katime I., Mendizabal E. (2010) Swelling properties of new hydrogels based on the dimethyl amino ethyl acrylate methyl chloride quaternary salt with acrylic acid and 2-methylene butane-1,4-dioic acid monomers in aqueous solutions. Material Science & Application, 1, 162-167.
24. Ramsden D. K., Kay K. Mc. (1986) Degradation of polyacrylamide in aqueous solution induced by chemically generated hydroxyl radicals: Part I - Fenton's reagent // Polymer Degradation and Stability, 14(3), 217-229.
25. Guezennec A.-G., Michel C., Bru K., Touze S., Desroche N., Mnif I., Motelica-Heino M. (2015) Transfer and degradation of polyacrylamide based flocculants in hydrosystems: a review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22(9), 6390-6406.
26. Ahmed E. M. (2015) Hydrogel: Preparation, characterization, and applications. Journal of Advanced Research, 6, 105-121.