This article presents the results of experimental studies on the use of Chlorella microalgae for wastewater treatment from the most common mineral pollutants. The influence of the mineral pollutants, namely anions HSO3- , NO3 - , H2PO4 - on the dynamics of wastewater treatment has been established. Analytical dependences of microalgae biomass growth rate depending on pollutant concentration HSO3- , NO3 - , H2PO4 - and are obtained. The values of biomass growth coefficients at the corresponding pollutant concentrations are determined. Based on the obtained experimental research results, mathematical models have been constructed that allow predicting the maximum values of mineral pollutants concentrations at which effective wastewater treatment by chlorophyllsynthesizing microalgae is possible. The technological scheme of wastewater treatment from mineral pollutants and the mechanism of the obtained application biomass are proposed.
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