Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»
Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»; Міжнародна лабораторія високих магнітних полів та низьких температур
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The work proposes the use of a unique method of creating passive, multifunctional, non-contact pressure-temperature sensors. The basis of this method is a combination of inorganic semiconductors and high-molecular organic cholesteric crystals. According to their morphology, such crystals represent a spiral structure that is sensitive to changes in external physical factors, such as temperatures, due to changes in the periodicity of the structure, which leads to Bragg diffraction scattering of light on it. The consequence of such influence is the coloring of the cholesteric, which can be identified by external spectrosensitive devices on a non-contact basis. On the other hand, the use of inorganic semiconductors involves the production of a micro-profiled base with a thin silicon membrane that is sensitive to external pressure. The thickness of the membrane determines the operating conditions of the sensor depending on the range of applied pressure from 0.3 bar and above. A hardware and software complex was developed for continuous monitoring of changes in the color of passive pressure-temperature sensors, tracking the spectral distribution of the light intensity of the color of the liquid crystal depending on the operating conditions on a non-contact basis with an external spectrometer. The basis of such a system is a software module created on the basis of the MVVM (Model–View–View Model) architecture template. A feature of the software module is the use of the .NET and WPF frameworks, which natively support this architectural pattern for .NET Windows platforms and are supported by all popular versions of operating systems. The SQlite database, which is a relational database management system, is used to store data in the software application. The OmniDriver library was used in the system to operate and configure the spectrometer. The software module has two modes of operation with spectrometers. The first mode is characterized by the reading of a single spectrum, while the second mode is characterized by periodic reading and processing of the intensity spectral distribution in real time with a given period. When using the second mode, the software module allows you to dynamically change the periods and parameters of changing the color parameters of the light over time. The main algorithm of the software module is the transformation of the spectral intensity distribution normalized in the CIE XYZ color model, which is the basis for all further calculations, into the RGB model.

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