Забезпечення технологічної міцності зварних стиків обсадних труб

: pp. 94-102
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"
Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"

Аre analyzed casing columns production peculiarities using welding techniques. Specifically planning of experiments was executed to ensure optimal implementation of the process. The feature of feedback was taken as contents of hardening structures in the thermal compound influence area. The results enabled to set mode options that makes it possible to create high-quality weld in the implementation of the two clad layers. Model sample joints in pipe casing were welded. The experimental structure and phase composition test of near-joint areas was provided. Metallographic weld analysis showed that the selected mode and method of blending rollers ensure the formation of welded joints without significant hardening content of structures. Welded seams tight, and does not contain any pores and cracks. Determination of welding residual stresses of the first kind was carried out, using destructive and non-destructive methods. It was found that the most dangerous and largest stretching ring tension reaches a maximum value on the axis of the joint (340 MPa). Moving from the axis of suture, tensions decrease, and at the distance of ≈170 mm tensions fall to zero. To identify the stress state, mathematical tools have been applied using experimental calculation method of conventional plastic deformation. This feature is applicable to display plastic deformation allowed to take into account the peculiarities of their forming at two-layer welding. As a result of optimizing the functional that sets the smallest difference between the experimental and calculated values, functions have established of parameters unknown earlier. In particular it was determined that the half-width fields plastic deformation is 24 mm and the curvature parameter function to display them 1,515. Our calculation of the chemical composition of the weld was made to select welding materials and ensure the necessary strength of welded joints. This made it possible to take into account the impact on the formation of the weld base metal pipes and interplay of individual rollers. According to the results, first and second rollers do not differ by carbon and manganese. This shows the correct choice of welding casing that provides a uniform chemical composition seam.

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