електромагнітний привод


Problem statement. Considering the prospects of using discrete-continuous vibration machines, there is a need to study the properties of continuous sections, which are elastic plates, in a wide range of frequencies. Purpose. It consists of studying the frequency response of continuous sections of various shapes and sizes from the harmonic disturbance force and identifying the frequency ranges in which the maximum stresses will be observed. Methodology. A schematic diagram of a discrete-continuous oscillating system is given.

Формування високоефективної дискретної тримасової міжрезонансної коливальної системи вібраційної машини з електромагнітним приводом

Мета полягає в обґрунтуванні інерційно-жорсткісних та силових параметрів високоефективної дискретної тримасової міжрезонансної коливальної системи вібраційної машини з електромагнітним приводом та у формуванні її математичної моделі з врахуванням приводу. Актуальність. Незважаючи на широку поширеність у промисловості одно-  та двомасових вібраційних машин, їх  тримасові аналоги у міжрезонансній зоні коливань мають значно вищий динамічний потенціал.

Optimization of vibratory conveying upward by inclined track with polyharmonic normal vibrations

The paper is devoted to the research of vibratory conveying of piece goods along an inclined track, performing harmonic longitudinal and polyharmonic normal vibrations. It is considered the conditions of reaching maximum conveying velocity at specified values of frequency and amplitude of longitudinal vibrations – the conditions of maximum dimensionless conveying velocity, depending on several dimensionless parameters in the moving modes without hopping.

Substantiation of inertial, stiffness and excitation parameters of vibratory lapping machine with linear oscillations of laps

Problem statement. Designing and manufacturing of efficient resonant vibratory lapping machines with linear oscillations of laps demand an accurate and detailed calculation of parameters of their elastic systems and electromagnetic drives. Purpose. The main objective of this research consists in derivation of analytical dependencies for calculating the stiffness and excitation parameters of mechanical oscillatory system of vibratory finishing machine in order to ensure its resonance operation mode.

Dynamics of two-mass mobile vibratory robot with electromagnetic drive and vibro-impact operation mode

The purpose of research. Substantiation of inertial, stiffness and excitation parameters of mechanical oscillatory system of mobile vibratory robot in order to maximize its motion speed. Methodology. The technique of the research is based on fundamental concepts of engineering mechanics and theory of mechanical vibrations. In order to deduce the differential equations of motion of the mechanical system of mobile vibratory robot the Lagrange second order equations were used.

Hydraulic pump based on the rolamite mechanism

When designing pumping equipment the question arises not only of the improvement of the existing types but also the search for a new principle of uniting the supporting elements with the elements of the formation of the working cameras of the pump. The purpose of the work is to provide a substantiation of the possibilities and expediency of designing a de-axial pump based on the Rolomite mechanism.

Prospects of Use of Vibratory Devices with Electromagnetic Drives for Massive Piece Goods Conveying

Vibratory conveying devices with electromagnetic drive are widely used in the different branches of industry. As a rule, they deal with relatively small piece goods and are not suitable for conveying of the large massive goods with high productivity. The conveying of massive piece goods needs the using of non-hopping modes of moving in which the high velocity can be reached only in the case of non-linear vibration trajectories of the conveying track, for example elliptical trajectories.

Synthesis of structure and research of operation of resonance two-mass vibrating table with electromagnetic drive

An industrial necessity of creation of 100-Hz vibratory tables is grounded. The prospect of researches of just resonance electromagnetic vibratory tables is conditioned. The existing vibrating tables on the basis of electromagnetic drive are considered. It is noted that the stages and problems which arise during the creating of high-frequency two-mass vibration table of middle sizes constructed according to classic chart are oulined in the article. The principle scheme of an electromagnetic vibratory table which is to be developed is described.

Features of dynamics controlled electromagnetic vibratory drive units for sealing concrete

The influence of the reaction of concrete mixture during its vibratory compaction on the dynamics of vibration unit with an electromagnetic drive, which is operated in the near-resonant mode, is researched. The dynamic model, which allows calculating the transients in multi-mass vibration devices with a controlled electromagnetic drive and which allows to choose the structure and the parameters of automatic control system regulators, is developed.

Multicriteria analysis of vibro-impact resonant systems with pulsed electromagnetic drive

The article considers two options for accomplishment of vibro-brunt resonant systems with an impulse electromagnetic drive based on asymmetric piecewise elastic characteristics. Basic kinematic, power and energy characteristics of comparative system are presented. Relative and generalized criteria for complex (of multi-criteria) valuation of vibro-brunt system with an impulsive drive are determined.