електрична провідність


Conductivity measurement is a universal method of process control. Measurement is fast and straightforward, and most modern sensors only require little maintenance. The measured conductivity value is applied to obtain different assumptions about what happens in the substance, so such measurements are relevant when controlling technological processes and products in various industries (e.g., food, pharmaceutical). The main metrological characteristics of sensors for measuring conductivity LDL100, LDL200 are analyzed in the article.

Результати одновимірної інверсії глибинних магнітотелуричних зондувань на території західної України

Викладена методика і результати визначення геоелектричних параметрів мантії Землі на території між 520 і 47.50пн.ш., 210 і 310сх.д. на основі одновимірної інверсії узагальнених кривих зондувань. Узагальнені криві побудовані шляхом зчленування кривих глибинних магнитотелуричних зондувань в окремих пунктах площі з кривими магнітоваріациійного зондування, отриманими з використанням спокійних сонячно-добових варіацій і Dst- варіацій на геомагнітних обсерваторіях Київ і Львів.  

Геоелектричні параметри верхньої мантії західної України І околиць обсерваторії Плещеніци

Наводяться результати одновимірної інверсії узагальнених кривих магнітотелурічного і магнітоваріаційного зондувань південно-західного регіону Східно-Європейської платформи. Існування провідного шару на глибинах, що перевищують 600 км, підтверджується на значних територіях України та Білорусі. Питомий опір верхньої мантії території Білорусі на глибинах 250-400 км приблизно в 2 рази менший, ніж для України і складає близько 20 Ом×м для Білорусі і 50 Ом×м для України.

Chemical Oxidative Synthesis and Characteristion of Organica acid Doped Soluble Conducting Poly(o-anisidine)

Synthesis of poly(o-anisidine) with and without acrylic acid doping is carried out by chemical oxidative polymerization method. This is a new polymerization method for the direct synthesis of the emeraldine salt of poly(o-anisidine), i.e. it is directly soluble in known organic solvent such as m-cresol, N-methyl pyrrolidone (NMP), DMSO, DMF, etc. without the need for a conversion of salt phase to base form.

Synthesis of new conducting materials on the basis of polymer hydrogels

The new conducting polymer hydrogels on the basis of co-polymers of hydroxyethylenemethacrylate and polyvinylpyrrolidone with different nature non-organic fillers have been developed. The dependence of obtained materials electric characteristics on synthesis conditions, quantity and nature of powder filler, moisture content, ambient temperature and magnetic field action have been determined.

Synthesis and characterization studies of organically soluble acrylic acid doped polydiphenylamine

Polydiphenylamine (PDPA) doped with acrylic acid was synthesized by oxidative chemical polymerization. This is a new chemical polymerization method developed for the direct synthesis of emeraldine salt form of polydiphenylamine which exhibits remarkably improved solubility in a common organic solvent. These polymers have been characterized by the physical techniques such as UV-visible, FTIR, XRD and conductivity measurement. The results are discussed with reference to the H2SO4 doped polydiphenylamine.

Synthesis and Characterization of Polyaniline Nanofibres by Rapid Liquid-Liquid Interfacial Polymerization Method

Inherently conducting polymer polyaniline (Pani) has been synthesized by a novel interfacial polymerization technique using trichloroethane as organic media. Ammonium peroxydisulphate was used as an oxidizing agent dissolved in aqueous media. The synthesized polymer was subjected to the physico-chemical characterization by UV-Vis and FT-IR Spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy. From the SEM Micrographs it was observed that interfacial polymerization offers the fibrillar type of morphology having 200 nm sized fibers.

Organic Synthesis and Characterization of Electrically Conducting Poly(o-Toluidine) Doped with Organic Acid

Poly(o-toluidine) doped with acrylic acid and without it was synthesized by using chemical oxidative polymerization technique. With the help of this method the polymer, poly(o-toluidine) was synthesized in the form of emeraldine salt. The oxidizing agent used for this method is the ammonium persulphate .The polymer products were characterized by UV-Visible and FTIR spectroscopy. The polymer, poly(o-toluidine) doped with acrylic acid was highly soluble in common organic solvents like m-cresol, NMP, DMF etc.

Influence of Ni (II), Cu (II) and Zn (II) complex formation on interaction with model cellular membranes

Influence of complex compounds of nickel (II), copper (II) and zinc (II) with nitrogen containing ligands on conductivity of bilayer lipid membranes (BLMs) was studied. The role of conditions (pH, metal and ligand concentration) on complex formation and interaction with BLMs was evaluated. Composition and form of complex ions in solution which maximally change conductivity have been calculated.

Synthesis and Characterization of Organically Soluble and Electrically Conducting Acids Doped Polyaniline

Emeraldin salt of polyaniline was synthesized by chemical oxidative polymerization method; this salt is soluble in common organic solvents. The obtained results are discussed with reference to lactic acid doped polyaniline. It has been observed that acrylic acid doped polyaniline is comparatively more soluble than polyaniline doped with lactic acid in common organic solvent such as m-cresol, NMP (N-methyl pyrrolidinone), DMSO, DMF, etc. The acrylic acid doped polymer prepared using lactic acid is comparatively more soluble in m-cresol and NMP than the polyaniline without acrylic acid.