
The simulation modeling of external and inner logistic of medical institution

The logistics aspects of medical institution have been considered. Approach’s classification of simulation model’s creation of inner and external logistics has been formed. The medical institution’s simulation model of inner and external logistics structuring has been realized. The parameters’ of simulation model’s forming have been determined. The two fundamentally different approaches to simulation model’s forming according to specific character of posed tasks have been suggested. The scheme of receiving, transformation and data’s output for simulation model’s creation was developed.

From cold logistics to cold supply chains

A number of questions concerning the development of cold logistics and the specificity of cold chain supply have been outlined. The topicality of implementation of advanced technologies and consolidation of all the members of cold chain supply which will allow to provide quality performance of logistical operations in cold chain supply has been defined. For investigation results it has been defined that the main problem of cold chain supply is the preservation of temperature condition.

The project bases of Ukrainian transport infrastructure development

The article formed the project bases of Ukrainian transport infrastructure. The critical overview of present and promising projects on the development of major Ukrainian transport industry sectors are provided. In particular, it detects the problems inherent in automobile, railway, shipping and aviation industry sectors, as well as in road and transport system in general. The role of international financial institutions such as EBRD and IBRD in funding various infrastructural projects is outlined and their detailed characteristics are provided.


Обґрунтовано необхідність вивчення й систематизації чинників, що впливають на розвиток логістики в Україні. Викладено результати дослідження зовнішніх чинників впливу на розвиток логістики з урахуванням процесів глобалізації, інтернаціоналізації й інтеграції в різних сферах суспільного життя. Виконано узагальнену систематизацію найзначущіших факторів впливу на розвиток логістики. Визначено основні причини, що зумовили появу чинників впливу на розвиток логістики на сучасному етапі економічних перетворень.