публічне управління

The Effectiveness of the Public Services Co-production Process - Results of a Systematic Literature Review

Nowadays co-production is seen as a valuable route to public service reform and to the planning and delivery of effective public services, which is gaining increasing attention. Despite this our understanding of co-production is limited and we still have a lot to learn about how and why coproduction works (and does not). Therefore there is a need to improve knowledge and ability to use co-production successfully. One of the unclear issues are the conditions under which co-production will most likely be effective and how important is trust in this context.

Social Enterprises as Place of Work for People With Disabilities – Evidence From Poland

Concern about people with disabilities is now becoming one of the areas of interest within the European Union, which is seeking a cost-effective and socially acceptable solutions aimed at supporting a worthy life of this group of society. Specific areas of action aimed at improving conditions for social inclusion, well-being and the full exercise of the rights of people with disabilities are set out in the “European Disability Strategy 2010-2020: A renewed commitment to a Barrier-Free Europe” (European Disability Strategy 2010-2020: COM (2010) 636). Employment is one of those areas.