National-legal harmonization of the institute of justice in the system of integration processes

The article deals with the problem of the national-legal harmonization of the institute of
justice in the system of integration processes and to determine the ways of bringing the
national legislation on the institute of justice in accordance with international standards. The
fundamental harmonization of the Ukrainian legislation on the institution of justice with
international standards directly depends on the stages of their implementation. We propose to
distinguish the following stages of harmonization processes in the field of the judiciary and the
status of judges: the stage of formation of the national-law mechanism/program for the
harmonization of Ukrainian legislation in the judicial system and the status of judges with
international standards; the stage of comparative legal analysis and legal expertise; stage of
active modernization; the stage of realization of harmonization processes.
It is revealed that without the introduction of mobile and productive measures, the
process of bringing the national legislation in line with international standards of the United
Nations, the Council of Europe, the EU will actually remain at the level of proclamations and
wishes, and Ukraine’s accession to international legal acts that establish international
standards will have a political, not an international legal nature.

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