The influence of the vehicle’s suspension malfunction on its operational efficiency
Надіслано: Листопад 10, 2018
Переглянуто: Грудень 24, 2018
Прийнято: Грудень 26, 2018

R. Kachmar, A. Muzychuk, O. Lanets, Y. Porokhovskyi, "The influence of the vehicle’s suspension malfunction on its operational efficiency", Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 94-105, 2018.

Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The main malfunctions that arise when operating a vehicle in Ukraine are the failure of the suspension elements and vehicle tires due to the poor condition of the most roads [11]. The car suspension elements soften the dynamic loads and smooth out the oscillations from the unevenness on the road while riding and provide a good stability and smoothness of the car ride. The car suspension affects not only the handling, stability, stability of the car motion, but also provides comfort and safety of the car, especially, when car is driven on uneven surface of the road and in sharp manoeuvres of the movement. The suspension of the car is a connecting linkage between the wheels and the body of the vehicle through which the forces of the shocks from wheel act on the vehicle body while riding over bumps on the road. Also, especially the front suspension of the car smooths the oscillations from the uneven road and provides the smooth ride. The smoothness of the ride depends on the elasticity of the suspension and car tires, work of shock absorbers and distribution of the vehicle mass. Besides, the smoothness of the ride on the uneven road has the influence on the comfort of the driver and passengers, the average speed of movement (as a consequence it causes the changes in fuel consumption, productivity and cost of transportation), the cargos safety, the reliability of the car.

The car suspension is one of the least reliable and durable elements of the car. The work of the faulty suspension reduces the durability of the car in 1.5 times and worsens its steering, thereby reducing its safety [11]. Ultimately, the motion of a car with a faulty suspension can cause an emergency on the road due to possible unpredictable suspension behavior.

The analyzing of the typical malfunctions of the car suspension components and its influence on smoothness and safety of motion is provided in the article. The methods of experimental research of the influence of the typical suspension malfunctions on the parameters of the car motion have been developed. The choice of research tools and the mounting place of the sensors on a car suspension is substantiated. On the basis of the experimental research results, the analysis of the influence of the suspension malfunction on the car's condition was performed according to the voltage changing of the sensor-analyzer, and the voltage change was transformed into the linear displacement of the suspension elements.

With the use of the MATLAB program in Simulink mode the simulation of the car ride over the typical obstacles with the use of a two-mass structure for sprung and unsprung masses was carried out, the oscillations of the unsprung and sprung masses were obtained in relation to the road with given pressure in the tire and given speed when riding over various types of obstacles with the normal and faulty shock absorbers.

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