In the article, the peculiarities of the formation of the moral principles of the Institute of
Advocacy in Ukraine and the EU are analyzed in a comprehensive way, based on a thorough
analysis of a large array of source bases. The content of advocacy ethics is defined: the lawyer
protects the interests of his client; uses only those means and methods of protection provided
for by law; He possesses such qualities of his profession that should not spoil his image. The
lawyer’s model is formulated, which must meet the following requirements: high intellectual,
cultural level, developed legal culture, knowledge of legislation, communication. The main
rules of the lawyer are outlined: the lawyer in his activity must set the client’s interests above
his personal; the lawyer should not represent the interests of two or more people who are in
dispute; the lawyer must provide legal assistance on the basis of the contract; the lawyer must
inform the party he represents about the possible difficulties of the case; sanctions and
disciplinary liability may apply to lawyers for violation of the rules of law ethics; the lawyer’s
advertisement should not include the assessment of the lawyer’s work and client’s responses,
criticism of other lawyers; the lawyer must pay the maximum attention to the case; Do not
solve your problems with a bribe.
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