Analytical and numerical methods for calculation the deep of penetration the welding seam formed by the electron beam generated by glow discarge electron guns

The article is devoted to the problem of defining the focal diameter of electron beam, formed by the
glow discharge electron guns, as well as the necessary pressure in the gun chamber for realising the
welding process. Taking into account, that glow discharge electron guns are widely used in industry
for welding of different metals, and that for providing the high quality of welding joints estimation
of energetic parameters in beam focus is very important, proposed methods are very important for
effective elaboration and designing of the novel glow discharge electron guns constructions for
specific technological operations. With known focal beam deameter and thermodinamic parameters
of welding details material the deep of penetration of welding seam, as well as the necessary
pressure in discharge chamber have been estimatied. Two proposed methods are generally based on
the analytical solving of explite equation and on numeracal solving of sophisticated non-linear
equation. Obtained simulation results with and without taking into account the spsace charge of own
beam electrons are also given.

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