Use of carbonized residue from the pyrolysis process of waste tires as a modifier of road bitumen

The paper analyzes the possibility of utilizing the solid carbonized residue (SCR) from the pyrolysis of waste tires (WT). The pyrolysis process of waste tires produces about 36% of carbonized residue, which can serve as an adhesive and/or modifying additive in the processes of modifying petroleum bitumen. We analyzed the SCP and BND 70/100 bitumen produced at a small-scale industrial unit and PJSC Ukrtatnafta, respectively. The influence of solid carbonized residue on the performance properties of modified bitumen at different ratios of raw materials (BND 70/100) : SCR. According to the results obtained, the optimal amounts of SCR for modifying petroleum bitumen were proposed and directions for further research were determined.

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