The article presents the results of modeling and studying the processes of cutting internal gears by the power skiving method based on the previously developed graph-analytical model of cut layers. The results of the calculations of the geometrical parameters of undeformed chips can be used to calculate the forces that occur in the process of four-pass gear cutting and influence the parameters of this process. The main component of the cutting force and the tangential force on the axis of the cutter are presented at the level of individual blades and teeth in successive angular cutting positions. Graphs of changes in the chip thickness ratio are obtained.  The analysis of the forces in single-tooth meshing and continuous cutting forces allows the develop a methodology for selecting rational modes - the value of axial feed, the number of passes with different cutting depths to ensure the shortest time and achieve the specified accuracy of gears in terms of the parameter of permissible angular deviation of the profile of the gear being cut.

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