Покращення експлуатаційних властивостей керамічної цегли поверхневим модифікуванням поверхні


Гивлюд М. М., Семенів Р. М., Ємченко І. В. / Gyvlyud M. M., Semeniv R. M., Yemchenko I. V

Національний університет ’’Львівська політехніка’’,
кафедра будівельного виробництва,
кафедра підприємництва та екологічної експертизи товарів

In the article there are substantiated and determine the optimal composition of protective covering by the mathematical planning method with taking into account the influence of protective covering on water absorption, adhesive strength and frost resistance. It is constituted technologic regime of marking and hardening protective covering on the ceramic matrix surface. It is determined the depth of protective covering penetration and its role in the adhesive contact formation during hardening process and its dependence from ceramic matrix structure. It is experimentally confirmed the decreasing in 8,2–8,4 times of ceramic brick open porosity by the index of water absorption and the protective covering influence on water resistance of the treat material. It is quantitatively evaluated the alteration of ceramic brick frost resistance depending on the protective covering composition. It is determined that proposed initial compositions for protective covering increase the indexes of ceramic brick water and frost resistance accordingly in 6,2–17,5 % and 55–64 %. It is confirmed the possibility of application of protective covering develop composition for increasing the durability of building constructions with ceramic brick, that are exploited in the high moisture condition and the action of external and aggressive factors.

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