Циклічне водонасичення-висушування як чинник деградації тріщиностійкості дорожнього цементного бетону


Ковальчик П. І. / Kovalchuk P. I.

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра автомобільних шляхів

This article presents the results of research crack resistance concrete after exposure to water saturation-drying cycles on the criteria of fracture mechanics. Presented values of power and energy characteristics of crack and deformation diagrams of concrete after water saturation-drying for 100, 180 and 360 cycles.
The results received witness about the decrease in performance and durability of concrete crack even without applying traffic load with increasing water saturation-drying cycles. Loss of compressive strength of concrete is 19, 25 and 42 % series of concrete, which were 100, 180 and 360 cycles of water saturation-drying relatively basic series.
Set to the power key criterion crack – fracture toughness (static critical stress intensity factor Ki) after 100, 180 and 360 water saturation-drying cycles is 89, 80 and 75 % compared to baseline series of concrete.

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