Safety in urban public spaces


Rybka A.

Leipzig Charter, adopted in May 2007, related largely to urban planning, called for consideration of sustainable development, economic development, social stability, public safety and healthy living environment in spatial planning. Not only is the source of crime, physical and economic degradation of public space, but also the fear of crime prevents urban residents active in everyday life. In terms of the impact of spatial solutions to reduce or prevent such actions may be relevant, such as the characteristics of the material, texture and color, the location of the site and its exposure to the public, the potential for the smooth implementation of the "action" by the perpetrator.
 Taken in response to a decrease in the level of safety, changes in spatial solutions should improve living conditions and the potential of social control. The fixed structure of the space, it is usually difficult to be corrected, it can be modified mainly by introducing changes in the structure solution available. In the case of residential space should be considered a slightly different structure of social norms crossing signs and use other methods of prevention.

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