Architecture of rehabilitation facilities for people with visual impairments


Rybka A., Szybka K.

There is a need to create common and consistent rules that would allow understanding disability as a phenomenon of the system. There are many different definitions of disability. The effects it entails visual dysfunction depends on several factors. The paper presents examples of rehabilitation and educational institutions for the visually impaired in Poland and abroad. The aim of the project was to develop the concept of software – adaptive spatial resort for those who are completely blind or visually impaired is defined, which is used primarily for adaptation and educational purposes as well as therapeutic and convalescent. Multisensory space combines elements of architecture, art and media. The essence of architectural design and rehabilitation facilities are functional, simple and intuitive to use, with an emphasis on open spaces and objects in such a way that their function was understandable for every user, regardless of experience or an advanced degree of dysfunction.

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