Current state of social model


D. Skovronskyy

The current type of market economy requires modern ideas of building a welfare state. That is why the international community has identified priority areas, which are the political and legal ordering of society on the principles of humanism, of a government complex social and protective functions, creating conditions for the development of civil society. After the World War II in emerging economies have developed different models of welfare states and therefore different mechanisms of realization of social policy. In particular, isolated liberal, corporate and public (PAYG) model. They differ role and degree of participation in the implementation of social policy, especially its three main actors – government, corporate entities, and other institutions of civil society. At the heart of each model social state a fundamental principle, derived from the ratio of interest participation in the social policies of its main actors. Continuous development of state and society give rise to new forms of simultaneous transformation or demise is already available. For example, some researchers call the future model of the welfare state "state of social democracy". It has become the organization of political power of owners in which really ensured maximum realization and protection of the rights and fundamental freedoms, the rights of the nation and the people, the exercise of power on universal principles of freedom, justice and solidarity.

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