
Особливості євроінтеграційного процесу Польщі: внутрішньполітичний та зовнішньополітичний виміри

З’ясовано специфіку, основні етапи та динаміку процесу євроінтеграції Польщі, досліджено суспільні перетворення всередині країни, а також участь Польщі у міжнародних організаціях різного рівня як фактор прискорення євроінтеграції.

Supporting the competitiveness of dairy processing enterprises in terms of european integration

In this article the strategic directions and program-targeted measures to provide the competitiveness of enterprises of dairy industry as well as the implementation mechanisms are analyzed. With this purpose, the clustering of the technological process of milk production, its processing and goods tracking in the supply chain of milk are suggested with using CPFR.

Contradictions of the national legal and regulatory framework in the field of socio-economic diagnosing in conditions of european integration

The article analyzes the national legal and regulatory framework in the field of socio-economic diagnosing of the major parameters and operation directions of the objects being diagnosed such as financial conditions, the threat of bankruptcy, solvency (credit status), and investment attractiveness. Based on the results obtained there are singled out, generalized and justified the key contradictions of national regulations governing principles of assessing the priority sectors of these objects operation.

The organizational principles of governance reforms in the court in terms of European integration

The article deals with problems of governance reforms in the court in terms of European integration. An historical origins and legal foundations to solve the problem of access to justice in connection with the establishment of effective management in court. The issue of personnel management and legal status of court staff, outlined the European integration vector of improving the management of the court.

legal regulation of information activities of the fiscal service in the context of european integration

The article raises questions of legal regulation of information support of tax administration in the context of European integration. Analyzes the provisions of the Tax Code of Ukraine and other normative legal acts on information support of fiscal and administrative services position information law, and legislation of member countries of the European Union on this matter.