
The essence of the concepts of tourism, tourist and tourist cluster

The article is devoted to the study of the concept’s “tourist”, “tourism”, “tourist service”, “tourist product” and “tourist cluster”. The analysis of the legislation of Ukraine, which regulates tourist relations, was carried out, in particular, regarding the definition of the essence of the concepts “tourism”, “tourist”, “tourist product” and their comparison with the interpretation and understanding in economic thought and statistics.

Stages and measures of crisis management at the enterpris EG

The instability of the global economic environment leads to the formation of crisis phenomena, which negatively affect the activities of enterprises and necessitate the implementation of crisis management.

The purpose of the work is to study and develop the stages of conducting crisis management at the enterprise based on the identification of the type of crisis and its phases, which will enable the selection of the correct methods of combating and prevention measures.

Modeling the financial flows impact on the diagnosis of an enterprise's economic security level

The article presents theoretical and applied aspects of modeling the financial flows' impact on the diagnosis of the economic security level of the enterprise with the main components of security.  The functioning of enterprise's financial flow management models and the economic security level diagnostics applied models (the model of structural and functional diagnostics and the model of simulation modeling) are evaluated.  The economic security loan repayment influence model and a set of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of financial flows are considered.

Digitalization and its role in ukrainian enterprise activities

This article examines the concept of digitalization and its implementation at an enterprise in order to increase its competitiveness on the market. A content analysis of the term “digitalization” was carried out. Under his own vision of the term “digitalization” is understood the process of using, systematizing, and processing incoming information in a digital format and as a result of improving customer service in the business environment.

Management of transaction costs of enterprises

The essence and role of transaction costs are analyzed; it is shown that their share in enterprises is significant. Transaction costs, in particular, are defined as costs in the field of exchange related to acts of sale, transfer of property rights, emphasizing that they are not directly related to the production process of enterprises, but to organizational issues of their activities.

An Educational Component of the Personnel Support Problems of the Information Technologies Market

The problems of insufficient supply of qualified personnel for Ukrainian IT enterprises and the industry as a whole have been studied. The interrelation of regional indicators of specialists in the field of training and the quality of graduates of IT specialties of formal higher education is analyzed.

Organizational Changes in the Activity of Enterprises in the Context of Urgent Crisis Management

Eliminating or reducing the negative impact of crisis phenomena on the economic condition of an enterprise and ensuring its further effective development is closely related to the concept of organizational changes. On the one hand, urgent crisis management tools almost always cause such changes. On the other hand, crisis phenomena in the activities of a business entity lead to the need to introduce organizational changes. In this context, it is noted that it is important to diagnose such changes even before their practical implementation begins.

Theoretical and Methodological Principles for Accounting Reflecton of Goodwill: Dialectics of Development and Directions of Improvement

The rapid development of market relations, Ukraine’s integration into the world economic space, encourage companies, in order to achieve competitive advantages, to explore new ways of capitalization. At the same time, the operations of purchase, sale, merger or acquisition of companies, the value of which directly depends on intellectual capital, are becoming more common.

The role of modern management technologies in ensuring competitiveness of the enterprise

The article is devoted to the study of modern management technologies in ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise. A thorough study of theoretical positions and approaches to determining the technology and factors influencing the success of its implementation was conducted. The classification of innovative management decisions is generalized, which includes implementation, training, consulting, transfer and engineering, audit.

Circular Model of Interaction of Enterprise Innovation Capacity and Exports

In the current conditions of globalization and European integration, the need for the development of innovative economy and activation of export activity, innovation capacity is one of the key drivers of export diversification towards science-intensive products. An important prerequisite for starting and developing export activity is not only the availability of sufficient innovation potential, but also the willingness, need and feasibility of introducing and commercializing innovative products in foreign markets.