Stages and measures of crisis management at the enterpris EG

: pp. 19 - 27
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

The instability of the global economic environment leads to the formation of crisis phenomena, which negatively affect the activities of enterprises and necessitate the implementation of crisis management.

The purpose of the work is to study and develop the stages of conducting crisis management at the enterprise based on the identification of the type of crisis and its phases, which will enable the selection of the correct methods of combating and prevention measures.

The essence of crisis management lies in systemic management of crisis situations to prevent, adapt to, and overcome their negative consequences. It solves the tasks of ensuring the stability, success of operation, and competitiveness of the enterprise in conditions of market instability by forecasting and analyzing crisis situations, evaluating external and internal threats that may lead to a crisis situation at the enterprise.

The subject of crisis management by the enterprise is the factors that cause the crisis, while the object is the enterprise itself and its operational activities. The subjects of crisis management by the enterprise are all interested parties in overcoming the crisis, primarily the leadership of the enterprise.

The research conducted in the article allowed to identify a certain algorithm of the sequence of crisis management at the enterprise, which includes ten consecutive stages – from diagnosing the current state of the enterprise and identifying threats to preventive monitoring of possible threats. Moreover, the sequence of stages of crisis measures depends on the type of crisis that has arisen in the external or internal environment of the enterprise.

The authors concluded that enterprise management should demonstrate flexibility and the ability to quickly react to changes and, if necessary, use all tools and means of crisis management, which will help it better resist crisis situations and maintain the stability of the enterprise. To overcome manifesta- tions of macroeconomic and microeconomic crises at the enterprise, it is necessary to implement crisis measures, the list of which the enterprise will choose based on the type of crisis, its phase, scale of coverage, as well as a number of other factors.

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