магнітне поле

Визначення вертикальної складової вектора напруженості магнітного поля Землі за значенням кута магнітного нахилення

Реалізована процедура визначення вертикальної складової вектора напруженості магнітного поля Землі за значенням кута нахилення. Вертикальна складова магнітного поля Землі використовується при розрахунку істинного азимута для корекції можливого нахилу платформи з чутливими елементами.

The procedure of determining the vertical component of the Earth magnetic field is implemented. The procedure is based on using of dip angle. The vertical component of the Earth magnetic field is used for the correction of potential platform inclination when the true azimuth is calculated.

Моделювання процесу фільтрації рідини в неоднорідному пористому пласті з врахуванням електрокінетичного ефекту

Розглядається двофазне в’язко-пружне стохастично-неоднорідне середовище, яке моделює насичену рідиною проникливу гірську породу. Для цього середовища отримано рівняння фільтрації та формули для проникливості. На основі розв’язку рівняння фільтрації для безмежного середовища з однією свердловиною отримано потоки рідини та густину струму, викликаного електрокінетичним ефектом. Розраховане магнітне поле навколо свердловини, викликане цим струмом.

Analysis of magnetic fields of electrical devices based on their circuit models

The article deals with an analysis of magnetic fields of electric machines and electromagnetic devices on the basis of their circuit mathematical models. The magnetic systems of electrical devices in these models are presented in the form of planar nonlinear magnetic circuits with lumped elements. The parameters of these elements are determined on the basis of geometric dimensions taking into account the design features of the devices and the physical parameters of the environment.

Equation of Density of Calculation Currents of Vector Potential of the Magnetic Field of an Overhead Ring Eddy Current Converter With Conductive Ferromagnetic Core

On the basis of opening of boundary conditions the got equalizations are for determination of density of calculation currents in case of analytical calculation of vectorial potential of magnetic-field of the superimposed circular eddy current converter with electric conduction ferromagnetic core above the object of control in form a leading ferromagnetic plate.

Vector Potential of the Magnetic Field of an Overhead Ring Eddy Current Converter With Conductive Ferromagnetic Core

Defined vectorial potential of the magnetic field of the screened circular cylinder spool of rectangular transverse section with the current of arbitrary form which for the increase of sensitiveness and concentration of the magnetic field is placed on cylinder П-similar ferromagnetic to the core above the object of control in the form of leading ferromagnetic plate.

Linear Electromechanical Generator In the Cyber-physical System Of Selection and Conversion of the Artilery Cannon Recoil Energy

The current state and prospects of the development of cyber-physical systems for the conversion of energy of mechanical motion into electric energy have been analyzed; the design scheme of the mechanical energy conversion of the rolling parts of the artillery cannon into electrical energy has been developed; the initial characteristics of the linear generator have been analyzed; a mathematical model of the electromechanical converter has been outlined.

The link of radon and magnetic anomalies on the territory of Ukrainian shield and Kyiv

The aim of this research is to detect the connection between geomagnetic and radon anomalies in the area of  Kyiv Ukraine,  studying the geoecological situation of the territory, and assessing its ecological safety. Geomagnetic and radon abnormal fields are significant geophysical factors of the environment, which largely determine the ecological state.

Investigation of Magnetically Controlled Electric Arc

In this work, the results of pad welding with the circularly rotating arc existing in an inert gas between a circle cathode with the diameter suitable to dimensions and geometry of a welded surface, with the kinematic characteristics of the motion provided (with the rest equal conditions) by the external magnetic field, are considered.

Structure and dynamics of kvaziconstant magnetic field of the Earth’s on its surface and in fellow creature space

Determination of space-temporal structure of the magnetic field of Earth’s (MFE) on its surface and in fellow creature space is extremely necessary and actual, in connection with its influence on the character of passing of processes in magnetosphere and ionosphere, and on machineries and size of magnetic activity, which are considered as a substantial ecological factor. 

Mapping of Berezivska ring structure in the gravity and magnetic fields (southwest of Kolomyya paleovalley)

Purpose. The purpose of research is to identify the geological and tectonic nature complex morphology intensive gravimagnetic anomaly in the southwest Kolomiyskogo paleovalleys, which is located within the Precarpathians trough Ukrainian Carpathians. Methodology.