
Legal provisions regarding involvement in private life in criminal procedural law

The Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine distinguishes between investigative (investigative) and covert investigative (investigative) actions. It is to covert investigative actions - interference in private communication. Communication is the transmission of information in any form from one person to another directly or through any means of communication. The article is devoted to the problem of defining the concept, content and extent of interference in private life in criminal procedure law.

Administrative legislation as a type of legal protection of the security of the population of Ukraine

The problem of security was and remains relevant in all historical eras of the development of mankind and states. Philosophers at different times have argued that human rights enshrined in laws are one of the reliable tools by which human security is ensured.

Administrative and legal assessment of invalid, distorted,false information about the facts

The article considers the use of words of foreign origin in administrative legislation which often consciously or unconsciously replace the words of the Ukrainian language that negatively affects the explanation of legal relations and their legal regulation. It is noted that unverified facts are published through the media, which encourages them to verify by establishing the actual existence of a fact and its legal assessment.

Main threats to the development and security of society in modern Ukraine

The article states that today, due to inefficient socio-economic development of Ukraine and the presence of numerous external and internal factors of influence, there are real threats that threaten the development of economically important indicators of state development and lead to deepening crisis.

Key Trends in the Development of Customs Systems in the Conditions of Globalization and European Integration

In modern conditions, the dynamic development of international trade in Europe, on the one hand, increases the economic competitiveness of the state and strengthens its financial and economic condition, and on the other hand, causes significant threats to national security, its markets and society associated with illegal movement of international supply chains.

PESCO, CARD, EDF: Strategy, Analysis, and Financing in the European Union Security Guarantee (Research Article)

In the article the authors analyze the institutional basis for strengthening the EU security and the implementation of specific projects designed to expand cooperation between the Member States in the defence and security sectors. The point at  issue  is about Permanent Structured Cooperation  (PESCO);  the Coordinated Annual Review on Defence  (CARD) and the European Defence Fund (EDF).

Accounting and Analytical Problems of Cultural Heritage Security in Polish-ukrainian Cross-border Cooperation

The safety of cultural heritage in a cross-border dimension depends significantly on the influence of accounting and analytical factors, as they form the basis for the perception of its objects for their proper preservation and constant monitoring of the state and risks of irreversible changes. This issue is especially important in Polish-Ukrainian cross-border cooperation, where historical realities have led to the destruction and destruction of many cultural heritage sites.

Problems of privacy and security in cyber physical systems of intellectual houses

Smart homes have become increasingly popular for IoT products and services with a lot of promises for improving the quality of life of individuals. Nevertheless, the heterogeneous, dynamic, and Internet-connected nature of this environment adds new concerns as private data becomes accessible, often without the householders’ awareness. This accessibility alongside with the rising risks of data security and privacy breaches, makes smart home security a critical topic that deserves scrutiny.