The article considers the use of words of foreign origin in administrative legislation which often consciously or unconsciously replace the words of the Ukrainian language that negatively affects the explanation of legal relations and their legal regulation. It is noted that unverified facts are published through the media, which encourages them to verify by establishing the actual existence of a fact and its legal assessment. It is stated that there are different approaches in the interpretation of the word «fact», aimed at exercising the rights and obligations of the parties, enshrined in the relevant regulations.
Administrative and legal assessment of facts is carried out with the help of evidence of legal content which is one of the conditions for assessing their reliability and legal significance. It was found that the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine deals with different methods and ways of committing illegal acts, which indicate inaccurate information and distorted data, deception and damage to business reputation, illegal use, spreading false rumors and false information.
The negative consequences of using certain words of foreign origin, which are referred to as «fake» and «fiction», have been noted. In particular, the most important component of the activities of public authorities is the protection of the individual from encroachment on his rights by committing illegal acts that are inaccurate, untrue, distorted, false, deceptive and based on unverified facts, the legal assessment of which is fiction, similar to the word «fake».
It is concluded that there is no stable approach in explaining the «borrowing» of foreign words in the national legal system. At the same time, this does not contradict the use of words of foreign origin, which in their content and traditions of use do not reduce, but complement the explanations and interpretations of legal relations in the state language. However, an important condition for quality preparation of regulations and their interpretation is the use of the Ukrainian language, which has a large choice of words and terms to explain not only legal facts but also other realities.
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