State and civil society: legal cooperation

: pp. 113 - 122

T. Dasho «State and civil society: legal cooperation»

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

Scientific exploration is devoted to the problems of civil society development in Ukraine in the context of its interaction with the institution of the state. In the article theoretical, conceptual and practical aspek¬ty interaction of the State and civil society in Ukraine. Characteristic features of the system of government, which have a kind of discomfort for the full development of civil society. 
It was found that zayemozv'yazok civil society and the state is manifested primarily in the fact that the more advanced the civil society, the less noticeable is the role of the state. Proved that only a developed civil society is necessary in a legal state, which not only recognizes formally, but really provides the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, creating appropriate institutions, focused on the development of democratic statehood.

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