In the article in general theoretical aspect highlighted features of the interpretation of a modern system of sources of law in Ukraine, taking into account the latest research. The emphasis on the key problems of the domestic system of sources of law, which in these conditions is imperfect and unstable, which is characteristic of regulatory complexes of transition, creating in turn the relevance, appropriateness and timeliness of the study of the subject in the domestic legal science. The attention is focused on the impact of international legal standards produced by the European community to improve the system of sources of law in Ukraine, aimed at domestic order. Overview scientific position on the legal nature of the system of sources of law. Observed that the system of sources of law is in constant “movement” as it functions in a society that is constantly evolving; is a complex, multi-layered, dynamic and open. Characterized structure of the system of sources of law, which is manifested in the way of communication between the elements that makes the functioning of the legal system as an integral phenomenon; is the internal organization of the system of sources of law, the nature of the construction of which depends on the nature and patterns of development. Determined the key features of the system of sources of law, where it’s a primary element are regulatory and legal requirements through which formalized and objectified law. Specified the primary properties of the system of sources of law. Suggested the author definition of a modern system of sources of law in Ukraine which is a coherent set of interrelated, mutually complementary and unified regulatory and legal requirements, which are grouped under appropriate regulatory and legal sectors, industries, institutions and other system entities that marked substance and stability of connections and objectified in diversified external forms (sources) law.
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