Aggression and violence: philosophical and legal correlation of definitions

: 134-139


Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

In the article, on the basis of available scientific approaches, the philosophical and legal correlation of the definitions of "aggression" and "violence. It is noted that aggression is organically connected with violence and is its natural basis, as for human society - social matter is based on the natural environment, in particular, living matter, in which aggression is a mandatory attribute. However, aggression as a phenomenon is not identical to violence, just as living matter and social matter are not identical.

It was found that aggression is a type of destruction at the level of biological matter (energy), which is characterized by expediency and limitation due to the process of evolutionary development of biological organisms. Violence is a type of destruction at the level of social matter (energy), caused by the mental nature of social interaction, a social action (phenomenon) that is associated with and is a consequence of only certain (distorted) states of human consciousness. Violence is a type of aggression of a special quality compared to aggression in nature and occurs only in human society. Violence is a special case in relation to the broader concept of "aggression", the basis of which is only the perceived distorted mental states of a person. The concept of "aggression" is broader than the concept of "violence", it includes the concept of "violence".

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