Problems of tolerance of law enforcers in modern multicultural society

: 133-138

Shai R. "Problems of tolerance of law enforcers in modern multicultural society"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The article deals with the problematic issues of equality, tolerance and non-discrimination in law enforcement activities, reveals the peculiarities of communication between law enforcement officials in a modern multicultural society. It is determined that the problem of communicative tolerance of law enforcement officials is very urgent nowadays, as it is a necessary feature that determines the nature and specificity of the law enforcement officer's relations with others, taking into account his personal experience, interests, inclinations, behavior patterns and communication peculiarities. It has been found out that the activities of the National Police officers in a modern multicultural society imply the establishment of effective communication and trusting relations with the population, enhancement of the authority and positive image of the police. It is the quality of police communication with citizens that is one of the main factors in the effectiveness of law enforcement. Reforming Ukraine's law enforcement agencies is one of the most important steps towards becoming a democratic state, dominated by the rule of law. Their effective activity becomes a prerequisite for the protection of the constitutional order, ensuring the rule of law and order, respect for the rights and freedoms of the individual and the citizen. Building a democratic state in Ukraine and thorough reforming of law enforcement agencies, consolidating the partnership model of law enforcement relations with society, ensuring real public and personal security with particular urgency raise the issue of tolerance in relations between law enforcement officials and citizens.

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