Amaranth is a multi-purpose crop, known for its wound-healing properties. Amaranth leaves and seeds contain polyphenols and flavonoids that improve wound healing. Ethanol extracts of amaranth seeds of "Lera" and "Ultra" varieties and ethanol extract of leafs Amaranthus retroflexus were obtained. Determination of the content of polyphenolic compounds in the extracts was conducted by the spectrophotometric method with the Folin-Checolteau reagent. The number of flavonoids in the extracts was determined by the spectrophotometric method using aluminum chloride.. The most polyphenolic compounds and flavonoids were found in the extract of leafs Amaranthus retroflexus. More polyphenols and flavonoids were found in the amaranth seed extract of the "Lera" variety than in the extract of the "Ultra" variety.
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