October 7 - 9, 2020

Food chemistry. Modern methods for production of food, food additives and packaging materials


Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine


Conference Languages: English



Dear Scientists and Technologists

The conference titled as «Food chemistry. Modern methods for production of food, food additives and packaging materials» that will be online from 7 to 9 October 2020 have the aim of exchanging ideas and experience between scientists and technologists from Ukraine and abroad in the topics of:

  • food chemistry;
  • production of food and application of additives;
  • packaging materials for food industry,

and also formation of the new connections between and development of the following cooperation. Co-organizers of the Conference are Lviv Polytechnic National University, National University of Food Technologies and Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry NASU.

In Ukraine, especially in Galicia strong potential in the production of food and processing of the farm production are concentrated. Galicia holds its place at the top of food production in Ukraine. More than 600 food processing enterprises, namely “Svitoch”, “Lviv brewery”, “Galca Ltd”, “Enzim” etc. are located here.

The Conference covers practical areas and can be considered as an exhibition hall for contacts between Scientists, Technologists and Businessmen. Moreover, this event will allow for receiving new experience, seeing new samples of the production and spending time in friendly atmosphere. Producers of foods, food additives and packaging materials are encouraged to represent production during of the conference.

Your participation in conference is very important, so we would like to invite you to conference.

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