Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The authors for the first time put into scientific circulation an unique source of historical cartography - a military topographic map of the Podillia province in 1841-1847 by Major General A. Fittinghof (from the corps of military topographers of the Russian Empire). The map is unique source in that it reflects the condition of many Podilian settlements before the regulation and reconstruction of the 19th-20th centuries, which distorted the historical buildings, captures the relics of fortifications in towns and castles. The scale of the map is 200 soot. gives for us good opportunity to study in detail the historical planning of many fortified cities in Podillya, in particular those that are not reflected in other well-known cartographic sources. For such small trading towns as Kamianka (formerly Bratslav Palatinatum), only the Fitinghof’s map can serve as a basis for hypothetical reconstructions. The authors note that due to the loss of Kamyanka urban status in the 18th century and its subsequent restoration in the 19th century, as in 1844 (the date of the sheet of map with Kamyanka) historical buildings of Kamyanka 16th-17th centuries had been partially lost. Instead, it is possible to hypothetically restore the outline of the city fortifications, to identify the gates and main roads and the location of the castle. It is assumed that the castle was located separately behind the historic fortified middletown and connected with it through a gate and a short road, which in the 19th century was named "Candle Street". The reason of the loss of part of the historic middletown with the fortification the use by residents of Kamianka and surrounding villages of the road to the fords across the Dniester to the Moldavian coast, which was not controlled by customs and outposts. Rashkivska Street appeared along this road, around which the Jewish shtetl began to be actively built and a new structure of the town center was formed. The identification of the city fortifications was made based on a fragment of the city wall and a brick bridge across the existing moat depicted on the map of 1844.

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