The scientific article is devoted to the analysis of touristic attractiveness to Lviv’s temples. It attempts to characterize a number of aspects that are important for the promotion of Lviv church architecture in the context of tourist attraction. Emphasized, that sacral buildings are not only a decoration of the city of Lion, but also a vivid illustration of the historical past. A comparative analysis of the attitude to the religion and the spiritual life during the governing of different powers is made, and its results are shown on the example of destruction and construction of temple buildings. The idea of the diversity of modern architectural face of Lvivis substantiated as the result of the work of architects from different historical epochs and different nationalities. A visit by a tourist of Lviv temples will help him to get acquainted with the results of architectural creations of a constellation of Ukrainian and foreign builders. The emphasis is placed on the outstanding role of sculptural decoration in creating the finished form of sacred buildings, and the importance of its characteristics in the context of tourism activity. It is also indicated on the significant role of artists in creating the original interiors of Lviv temples, because the skillfully executed art decoration of sacral buildings is a great pleasure for tourists. The work offers interesting ideas on the study and analysis of artistic styles through the traveler’s contemplation of temple architecture, as well as the use of legends and unusual stories about religious buildings in the context of tourism.
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