Study of dynamic processes of mining and industrial objects using methods of geoinformatic modelling

: pp. 91-100
Received: November 19, 2014
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Purpose. The problem of application of thematic mapping in areas with man-made threats to which Dombrovski quarry in Kalush of Ivano-Frankivsk region relates is actual. Any way to eliminate these threats requires precise calculations of the work volume, prediction of changes that may take place on the terrain after introduction of a method for preventing disasters. Such calculations and predictions should be based on actual data about the territory which can be modeled by modern means of GIS technologies. Therefore the aim of this paper is to create a digital terrain model (DTM) for the territory of Dombrowski quarry, as a basis for modeling and studying dynamic processes. Methodology. To create DTM it was applied the methodology of updating of archival cartographic materials using space image data, and for modeling dynamic processes – ArcGIS modules. Results. It was created the digital terrain model of Dombrovskiy quarry and the dynamics of changes in the volume of brine in this quarry was studied. Originality. Technological scheme of actualization of cartographical data allows operatively and with the required accuracy obtain data on the dynamic processes in quarry using GIS technologies. Practical significance. Statistical data of quarry flooding dynamics is supplemented with graphic basis in aform of digital terrain model. Analysis of the created digital terrain model has confirmed the possibility groundwater pollution of surrounding area withquarry brines. The resulting digital terrain model can be used for modeling engineering tasks related with other man-made threats and overall monitoring of mining and industrial object.

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